Example sentences of "[noun] and [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The money would be spent to pay social insurance benefits to people who had been persecuted and driven out of the country at the time of the Anschluss and were now living in countries such as Israel and the United States , and a small proportion would be devoted to projects in Austria .
2 Mitcham which contains a number of interesting Georgian houses , is now a separate borough and is well known for its historic cricket green and its lavender factory .
3 Without this kind of analytical framework , respecting the complex levels of mediation involved and their relative autonomy , Elvis becomes simply the plaything of naked political forces ( rebellious/manipulative ) ; and the fact that the young rock 'n' roller sang ballads from the start , that the older Hollywood star could still sing rock 'n' roll songs and was still respected by rock 'n' roll fans , that his ‘ blues ’ were ‘ romantic ’ ( a kind of fantasy ) , his ballads often ‘ realistic ’ ( given flesh ) , or that he could make boogification ironic — all this is inexplicable .
4 One physical reason for difficulty which is greatly exaggerated in popular thinking and is even claimed mistakenly as the basis of some sexual dysfunction is that of abnormal size in the sexual organs .
5 The black liquid contains the spores and was once used as a cheap substitute for Indian ink .
6 It was remarkably brief , but encompassed a great deal and was consciously planned and carried through as an ecumenical Council , the first of its kind .
7 Some of this money was pocketed by the English captain there , Thomas Catterton , who was regarded as an accomplice to the deal and was subsequently accused of treason .
8 However , when she felt confident enough , she attempted to renegotiate her pay deal and was promptly fired .
9 The easiest way to find the wide range of cover you need at a competitive price is with a policy which packages together a number of covers and is specially designed for a certain group such as self-employed tradesmen .
10 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
11 This callous view of suffering which smacks strongly of the protestant ethic ( epitomized in the complacent exhortation : God helps those who help themselves ) has a very familiar ring and is clearly seen today in the attitudes towards the mentally ill held by all but the most enlightened members of western societies .
12 He and took up a career as a TV commentator with Murray Walker and was recently reported to have cash problems .
13 She took the kitten in its little cardboard box to the bedroom and was constantly getting up all night , peering at the tiny bundle of black fur .
14 As nasty as Blissett 's challenge may have appeared , he transgressed only the laws of football and was rightly punished by the football authorities .
15 In another change of tack — there was a time when OS/2 was the whole future as far as the company was concerned , Microsoft Corp is switching its signals and is now making it clear that it expects MS-DOS users to prepare to switch to Windows NT .
16 I just knew it would be a trick question to start the contest and was desperately groping for a trick answer when Swartz said ‘ Silverstone ’ and scored his opening point .
17 In the past , the IFA has clamped down on such outbursts against referees and is now looking into the matter .
18 They are performed as a consequence of data transfers between databases and are therefore initiated indirectly by the lexicographers .
19 In Sri Lanka Sinhalese-Buddhist cultural nationalism was linked with other grievances and was sometimes expressed through rioting , but in the absence of élite leadership it was not channelled into demands for constitutional concessions from the British .
20 Earthworms provide the perfect snack for most cichlids and are also relished by every other type of fish that can manage them .
21 Though this comes in for constant robust internal criticism and revision , it is more thorough than that of many professional advice and counselling organizations and is increasingly used as a model by other organizations .
22 The painting was consigned for sale at one of Sotheby 's European offices and was subsequently transferred to London with the knowledge of Scotland Yard 's Art and Antiques Squad .
23 He had been twenty-one when he died of leukaemia , and I had had to help with his last offices and was then sent to escort his body to the mortuary .
24 The Popi also has its own roof terrace and is ideally situated — right next door to the Nitsa studios , so you 'll never be short of company and action .
25 ‘ The people has completely lost its nerve and is dreadfully wound up and frightened ’ , ran a report from Upper Bavaria in March 1945 , as once again an ‘ enemy air armada ’ in full flight formation crossed the skies completely unimpeded .
26 Illuminated in Tours around 1520 , it contains twelve full-page miniatures of the emperors and was possibly made for the library of Francois I. The manuscript has a distinguished provenance : it belonged at the Jesuit College de Clermont Library in Paris and later to the celebrated English collector Sir Thomas Phillips who considered it among the finest of his 60,000 manuscripts .
27 They are related to the break point of the waves and are sometimes referred to as break point bars .
28 God-like , Niall flings himself on to his adoring audience , sinks beneath the waves and is eventually restored to the stage in time for the anti-rap encore of ‘ Where 's Me Jumper ’ .
29 Nurse Walton stared into his dark blue eyes and was immediately filled with pity for him .
30 The team , which includes two TODAY journalists and is partly funded by this newspaper , is led by Lieutenant Colonel Phil Neame , a Falklands hero and veteran of a successful British 1976 Everest expedition .
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