Example sentences of "[noun] and [modal v] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At first I get on best with the Highland laddies , matching them dram for dram and can for can , taking their cigarettes and suffering their remarks on the lines of ‘ No I still smoke ’ when I offer them my Silk Cuts but gradually as we get drunker I start to feel uncomfortable with their attitude to the travellers and even more so to women , and Howie , the guy I met last night , talks about how he used to slap the wife around and now the bitch is in one of these fucking women 's refuges and if he ever finds her he 'll fucking kick seven kinds of shit out of her .
2 Budgets should set expenditure for principal areas of expense and may with advantage be so specific as to set amounts for individual chemical products and equipment .
3 12.1 The Proprietor when called upon by the Publisher agrees to undertake routine updating revision and correction of the Work after publication and shall from time to time inform the Publisher of corrections and revisions which the Proprietor may consider desirable .
4 The owl will not forget the ordeal and may in future avoid that particular neck of the woods .
5 His manner was normally gracious and unperturbed , although he was a man of powerful emotions and could on occasion explode violently .
6 The conference was the third of its kind and would in future meet every two years .
7 That clock and alter his heart and will in time
8 Erm I could of course and will of course erm take advice as to whether the rent we 're now charging them is reasonable .
9 In such cases it is perfectly understandable that discussion of the culture from which a language grows is of minor importance and may in fact be actively discouraged .
10 Some hotels telephone confirmation of a booking and will of course acknowledge receipt of a deposit or a special request if the time factor allows .
11 The Australian government in August 1989 announced that it would carry out compulsory blood tests on potential immigrants and would in principle ban all those who were HIV-infected .
12 In all these cases the minister will write justifying this decision to override the scrutiny reserve to the chairmen of both Scrutiny Committees and will in addition appear personally in the House of Commons .
13 Menopause symptoms are similar to those of food intolerance and may in fact be triggered off by hormone changes .
14 The criteria may offer guidelines as to standards appropriate to grade levels and may in addition at any grade level be split into separate features of the mathematical investigation , leading to a set of marks or grades which then have to be aggregated in some way .
15 The event might not have any obvious long-term adverse significance and may in fact have seemingly positive rather than negative features , such as the reappearance and request to renew contact with a lover with whom a person had had an intense relationship a few years earlier .
16 As we shall see , mystical teachers tirelessly proclaimed that visions and voices were not an essential part of the mystical journey and could in fact be a distraction ; the mystical apprehension of God certainly had nothing to do with the ordinary emotions .
17 The meeting counts as the third round in the Ulster championship and will in fact be a two day affair for it begins on Friday night at 7.00pm .
18 I hope er the Chairman that the committee will not follow Mr 's suggestion and will in fact support er erm Mr 's alternative er suggestion er , as been stand at the moment to , to accept the recommendation on the order paper alone with the
19 All donations will be formally acknowledged by the Honorary Treasurer and should of course be in favour of the Association .
20 In practice , as Rowe describes , it can be used with varying degrees of grammatical marking and would in fact be introduced to mentally-handicapped children in telegraphic form , slowly building to full English linguistic structure : e.g. ( 1 ) HALL , ( 2 ) GO HALL , ( 3 ) GO TO HALL , ( 4 ) GO TO THE HALL .
21 A teacher with a video machine in the classroom has the choice of when to use video material and could for example use a sequence with an appropriate setting to establish a context before new language items are introduced .
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