Example sentences of "[noun] and [pron] think he " in BNC.

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1 We did meet briefly in the doorway and I think he said something .
2 Okay my mum would phone up and go walk her walk to school with Alex on Friday and I think he might try something .
3 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
4 Well it 's roughly about five pound and , one pound and I thought he said one pound forty a pint .
5 I remember before he became Prime Minister he was in charge of the Conservative re-think where I helped him do a lot of that work and I think he enjoyed that very much .
6 ‘ Peter Williams is a very experienced news editor and I think he has an uncanny awareness of what people find interesting .
7 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
8 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
9 He went to the top of the steps and looked around , he could n't see anyone or anything untoward ; he looked out of the window and he thought he saw a figure on or around the track .
10 I said in that case we will make you a concert in mid January and I think he said are coming with them .
11 I think Jeanette said Tom had that problem cos he did n't speak until he was about two and a half and they thought he was you know a bit daft
12 ‘ He 's Garry 's boss and he thinks he can dictate his every move . ’
13 David began signing his letters The Boss and I think he quite liked it , ’ says Charman .
14 ‘ But he 's followed all the rules since he was given political asylum and I think he should be allowed to compete as an individual . ’
15 The worried crook grabbed Derek 's radio and called his bosses : ‘ I 've just robbed your driver and I think he 's having a heart attack . ’
16 And the man had a mouthful of champagne and I thought he was going to have a heart attack . ’
17 I think if you had asked Freud what 's the minimum number numerically for one of , for the Bond Freud Crowds , Freud would have thought for a bit and I think he would have said three .
18 Say speak , speak up to six notes and he thinks he 's
19 He was silent a moment and I thought he was n't going to answer that .
20 But Dave Harrell , the Walsall angler who won the Matchman of the Year title two years ago , also admitted : ‘ Denis is red hot at the moment and I think he is definitely the one to beat .
21 Grant and I think he did n't deliberately sink the yacht but that he just , through ignorance , kind of accidentally blew a hole through the bottom . ’
22 yes and everybody not too happy as you can probably imagine erm Peter erm while we were talking to Paul Simpson , in fact Brian Horton was holding his press conference and I think he said the same as everybody else ; ‘ Bolder the opposition goalkeeper had an inspired game , but really United had the chances and the possession , and really everything to kill Charlton off long before half time and really put no pressure on themselves in the second half . ’
23 He now sounded as though he were beginning a lecture and I thought he must have learned that intonation from his tutors .
24 My dad was once testing me on my biology and we came up to these films and the subject of drugs and I said just , you know , just as a joke and I thought he would just laugh it off , I said have you done any ?
25 ‘ I did pop round for a chat with him earlier this evening and I thought he seemed a bit jumpy .
26 So they had to get a chap that knew his business and I think he was entitled to get extra money .
27 Ronnie had been in F1 since 1971 , he was recognized as one of the sport 's quickest ever drivers , he had given Lotus four years of loyal service during relatively lean years and he thought he thoroughly deserved the reward when Lotus came good .
28 He raised his head and she thought he looked as dazed as she felt , but the next moment she knew she had been mistaken .
29 Yes and er my mother was frightened to death of guns because , oh he was a bit of a boy at heart I mean you can just imagine everybody used to bring the sporting guns to be repaired and there was guns floating about all over the place , and my mother was scared stiff of guns right till the time she died er , and he got mixed up with all these sporting connections you know like go off to shoots and various things and I think he did a bit of cock fighting in his day as well , but I 've , I 've got the exercise books that his two brothers .
30 His goggles filled up with water and he thought he had swum a whole length under water , and was so pleased that no one bothered to disillusion him .
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