Example sentences of "[noun] and [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The boat lurched as his hands slackened on the wheel and it hit the wake of a speeding launch .
2 We shook hands on the deal and I grabbed the handles and began to push my first cock sparrow back over the bridge towards the Whitechapel Road .
3 the Sergeant started up the jeep and we entered the cornfield at speed , heading in the direction of the first three canisters .
4 Holly pushed his feet beneath the steel plate and the wind caught at his socks and trousers and drove a channelled wind against his legs and he cursed the awkwardness of his overcoat , and his feet kicked in the space like the feet of a hanging man .
5 Melanie took her legs and I took the bows and we struggled up the steps , Carol 's bum hitting most of them , which I reckoned Melanie was doing deliberately .
6 Now cast iron , if you are in the metal workshops and you are hitting something with a hammer and you hit the vice instead , Mr will throw a scranny at you .
7 set up , which started at Adams and we used the American mission near Lovedale well it was a part of Lovedale and erm , now , now it 's at er , they call it The Federal Theological Cemetery
8 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
9 I showed him our itinerary and he read the names aloud slowly and haltingly as if thee were the names of some distant land whose pronunciation he was unsure of .
10 The next morning Mollie and I resumed the polishing and dusting after eating our muesli and boiled eggs .
11 By 1848 the Count had become an important figure in the administration of Hungary but the prospects of civil war and revolution led to his nervous collapse and he spent the next decade in an asylum .
12 A slight sparkle came to Maggie 's eyes and he recognised the signs of growing annoyance .
13 I think about buying some fags but the headache 's still there behind my eyes and I have the feeling smoking a cigarette would make me want to throw up .
14 A shutter came down over his eyes and she had the sensation of having had a door slam very firmly in her face .
15 The whole team caught the bug and you know the rest .
16 This was n't his first encounter with Stephen 's rival and he knew the woman seated on the other side of the high table was a formidable opponent , probably more dangerous than the King , and possessing in full measure the strong will and harsh determination that had characterised her father and grandfather .
17 His wife dies in the opening few minutes of the movie and he spends the rest of his life mourning her .
18 In the main , however , policing continues to be publicly concerned to prevent and detect individual attempts to steal the property of the citizen and it suits the police 's purpose for their community role to be well broadcast , for on those rare occasions when they have expanded their controls to include the activities of the middle classes , they have found themselves on less certain ground .
19 Abolish the cohabitation rule and you establish the right of a mistress to draw SB in her own right .
20 The clerk expressed the view that they contained inadmissible material because of the hearsay rule and he took the view that the evidence was inadmissible despite the relevant provisions of the Children Act 1989 designed to overcome that difficulty .
21 Bats and we need the same kind of internal model for representing the position of objects in three-dimensional space .
22 A game with a difference took place at Wimbledon , the oldest women 's club in the world , as part of their centenary celebrations — a costume game between a side representing the pioneers of the club and one representing the swinging Thirties .
23 But I think if we persist if the club and ourselves continue the way that we 're going those numbers will become less and less .
24 My companion leaps from his seat and himself shoots the scene with his Bolex .
25 Tricia noticed it too , for she put herself between us again on the front seat and I heard the giveaway click-clack from her pocket .
26 He thought of saying , ‘ Hello , Irena ! ’ but it would have been a rude interruption and he replaced the phone .
27 Hafez al-Assad ) , who is elected every seven years by universal adult suffrage and who appoints the Vice-Presidents and the Council of Ministers .
28 This 1960 proposal thus predated the major space proposals put forward by President Kennedy early in 1961 — proposals which included the moon-landing programme and what became the INTELSAT world telecommunications system .
29 This standard was developed with commercial accounts in mind and it confirms the view that depreciation is a matter of allocation , not of valuation ; though in recent years it has become acceptable to allocate revalued amounts .
30 The idea stuck in my mind and I contacted the local NGS organiser , who suggested we open the following year .
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