Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The regulatory regime brought in by the Financial Services Act has been costly and disruptive for offices and confusing for their customers .
2 Consequently , at the age of nine he was a pale , thin child and short for his age .
3 I feel sorry for Laverne and sorry for his mother .
4 Towards the end of his reign , in the ordinance of the forest of 1306 , the king speaks of being confronted ‘ with the inspection of human weakness ’ and the wide burdens that fell upon him , he being ‘ inwardly tormented with divers compunctions , tossed about by the waves of divers thoughts ’ , and being ‘ frequently troubled , passing sleepless nights , … hesitating in our inmost soul upon what ought to be done , what to be held , or what to be presented ’ ; ‘ about this chiefly is our mind busied without intermission , that we may prepare the pleasantness of ease and quiet for our subjects dwelling in our realm , in whose quiet we have some rest , and in their tranquillity we are inwardly cherished with odours of satisfaction and the flowers of hoped-for peace . ’
5 Ariana , initially started in France , has already corralled one partner , the UK firm IXI Ltd , and expects to sign three this year including Network Computing Devices Inc , first for its PC Xview product and later for its full terminal line .
6 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
7 It 's terrific fun and great for your skiing , improving timing , control , rhythm and your social life all at the same time !
8 I may expect no mass media to crusade , no millions of strangers to become suddenly familiar with my name and anxious for my cause .
9 Since most of the states were members of its western alliance and important for its own economy , this rift was a matter of grave concern to the United States , which saw the abrupt ending of the Maudling negotiations as effectively signifying the ending of the OEEC 's role as the leading West European economic organisation .
10 With regard to complaints about housing , of which I have many from my constituents , will my hon. Friend confirm that if Labour-controlled Norwich city council were to adopt a more up-to-date approach to housing , co-operate properly with housing associations and take advantage of the various initiatives that have come from the Department of the Environment , it would be better for housing in my constituency and better for my constituents ?
11 By their work they are promoting the idea that goods should be of merchantable quality and fit for their purpose .
12 From Blackburn Rovers he signed outside-right Joe Hulme , said to be the fastest footballer in the game and famed for his accurate centres while running .
13 These forms are necessary for Office efficiency and VITAL for our records .
14 As expected , the whole family was devastated at the news and they all hastened back to Devonport in the ‘ Bessie ’ , the boat launched by the deceased daughter and renowned for her speed throughout the length of the Tamar .
15 Trade Indemnity , owned by 5–7 major shareholders , well known in the insurance and reinsurance market would be good for TI and good for its policyholders .
16 I cook and wash and clean for my husband , and we are happy enough .
17 There was also agreement to store in Israel US$100,000,000 worth of US weaponry which would be compatible with Israel 's systems and available for its use in emergencies .
18 I have used shades of orange and yellow for my stylised flowers but you , of course , can choose your own favourite colours .
19 Before Rope Thrower subdued the Great Chief Manuelito — among whose lieutenants was Hawk 's many-times-great grandfather Armijo — the Navaho had been herders of horses and cattle , cultivators of corn , pumpkins , wheat and melons and famous for their groves of peach trees .
20 Bedrooms are required for Mr and Mrs Anna Jane , Clare and two for her carers .
21 A man of vaulting ambitions with the talents to match , passionately devoted to his house and ambitious for his favourite grandson , the twelve-year-old Robert , making no secret now that Alexander III was dead that the House of Bruce had the best claim to the Scottish throne .
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