Example sentences of "[noun] and [adj] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 We have 30 kettles and 30 aprons to give away
2 As an only child I was rare among my schoolmates ; most Catholic families were more numerous , big brothers and wee sisters gave other children the advantage of additional , if vicarious , experience .
3 Typology and evolutionary sequences gave a rationale to his obsessive collecting of weapons , locks and keys , antiquities , primitive art and ethnographic objects , which filled two museums .
4 Those engaged in classifying creatures in museums worked anyway with dead ones ; it was only at the very end of the nineteenth century that the collecting of dead animals and dead birds gave way to the careful observation of living ones , using binoculars .
5 Now comfortably ensconced in Barham with his fiancée , Diane , a Brummie belle whom he met on his first tour here four years ago , he says he is enjoying himself , even if those impenetrable Lee van Cleef eyes and inscrutable countenance give precious little away .
6 It was the Kate Greenaway look for her ; Kestos and green ribbon gave a faint flatulence to the high bodice line — dressing-table muslin skirts were pulled into a flounce at the hem ; again the green ribbon tied in a silly bow .
7 It might be objected that when the comparison of habituation and latent inhibition gives rise to a discrepancy , it does so because we have failed to compare like with like .
8 An alert mind and trained eye give astute evaluations .
9 The two trumpets and three trombones give us five parts , but we have no intention of spoiling the harmonic clearness by writing a fifth ‘ real part ’ for one of these .
10 Main picture : A stylish silver and black theme gives the dining room table a chic , sophisticated look and makes the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas meal
11 In each of the participating hospitals , Ethical Committee permission was obtained for the study and all patients gave their informed consent .
12 In most of the uses of this type , make is followed by to be , the verb of state par excellence : ( 182 ) So also history is full of anomalies and single events giving colouring to periods and making things to be what they are .
13 There are undoubtedly items of software in use today that could produce negative sums of squares and many others giving answers that are undetectably wrong .
14 Vlad , arrested in late December 1989 , was alleged with others to have complied with orders to fire on demonstrators in Bucharest and other cities given by Ceausescu at politburo meetings on Dec. 17 and 22 , 1989 .
15 In spite of the ‘ failure of the seminaries and theological colleges to give the clergy the background to be in full charge of the music in the parish … people are thinking and talking about liturgy and music in new ways , and reassessing everything ’ .
16 Local management and key staff give lectures on their gardens and various other subjects relating to their specialist nature , both locally and further afield .
17 Money Management and similar journals give details of funds ' performance .
18 Our full terms of reference and supplementary guidance given to us by the Secretary of State for Education and Science are contained in appendices 2 and 3 .
19 The study was approved by the Western Infirmary ethics committee and each patient gave informed written consent .
20 The study was approved by the Western Infirmary Ethical Committee and each patient gave written informed consent .
21 The study was approved by the Western Infirmary Ethical Committee and all patients gave written , informed consent .
22 These studies were approved by Harrow Health Authority Ethical Committee and all patients gave informed consent .
23 Soon afterwards Betty Law was having another presentation , this time in the board room as the assembled directors and senior management gave her a colour television on behalf of the company .
24 Thank you for the prompt and efficient service given so far and I hope this is an indication of the quality of supervision that we can expect .
25 Campaigns to save the whales have led to the International Whaling Commission gradually lowering its quotas and many nations giving up whaling in favour of protectionist policies .
26 As most of us watched the Rodney King verdict and its horrifying aftermath on TV , journalist James Ryan and photographer Andrew Macpherson drove separately into South Central LA to record their views of the riots ; meanwhile , KRS-One , Heavy D , NWA and other rappers give their comments
27 Once specified , these problem behaviours can be talked about to the child and clear guidelines given about what is expected and what is going to happen if the child continues to misbehave .
28 High home ownership and heavy borrowing give voters a vested interest in inflation , and exacerbate the economy 's cycles .
29 Ask Just Desks for their expert guidance on matching chairs and sofas , lamps and other accessories to give your interior design just the right ambience .
30 He wore no tie , but the effect of his neat sleeked-back hair and thick-framed spectacles gave him the look of a rather stern and learned professor .
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