Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] its [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 27 ECOWAS officials met with Ulimo chairman Raleigh Seekie in Freetown , Sierra Leone , to persuade him to commit Ulimo , which had not been represented at earlier talks , to applying the peace accord and surrendering its weapons .
2 Overall , research shows that the commercials are very meaningful to Guinness drinkers and reinforce its reputations as a tonic .
3 But the dog rose shakily on its bandy legs and bared its teeth .
4 Instead , they recognised the value of superior workmanship and used its products to honour the gods who were intermediaries between man and the infinite power of the universe .
5 Tobacco company Davidoff Cigarettes is dropping its £30,000 cash backing for Major Ron 's Royal Berkshire Polo Club and supporting its rivals Cowdray Park instead .
6 The Baderini Cardinal gave it its baroque facade and had its gardens laid out with descending terraces , fountains , a grassy-staged theatre , grottoes and a lemon house guarded by statues of antique giants .
7 With a slightly shaky hand I tool hold of the pendant hanging around my neck and pressed its jewels in a certain way .
8 Rees had spent almost all his professional life in the area and was part of it , ready to applaud its strengths and condone its weaknesses .
9 Now they stood around eating fragments of sandwich and watching its eyes .
10 When two cats are fighting and one is forced into submission , it often performs what is called ‘ cut-off ’ , where it turns away from its tormentor and shuts its eyes , trying to blot out the frightening image of its dominant rival .
11 He had held it in his arms in the dark and kissed its eyes .
12 Since both sites and nesting material are usually in short supply in a weaver bird colony , he often laboriously unravels his first attempt and using its constituents weaves it all over again in the same place .
13 The Conservative government not only showed its willingness to challenge general practice and scrutinise its procedures and use of resources but also a strengthened commitment to health promotion .
14 By 1894 Glasgow Town Council , the same august body that had fought at Flodden and given its trousers to the Bonnie Prince , changed its name and became ‘ The Corporation of Glasgow ’ .
15 Appropriate then , that the man tipped as the next Nigel Mansell should take time out of one of the most hectic weeks in the Grand Prix calendar to visit Swindon-based Raychem , the hi-tech firm which sponsors his car and supplies its electrics .
16 The union did everything possible to convince the government that this had done no more than mop up previously persistent unemployment in the industry and to persuade its members to join their ships , and to do so on time , so that their departures should not be delayed .
17 The recent surge in stockmarket volume and the hasty dusting-down of the houses ' new-issue departments threaten to bring quick profit back to the industry and delude its bosses that the good times are returning .
18 For some years schemes have existed to encourage teachers to set out like Victorian missionaries to explore the strange and wild territory of industry and to convert its leaders to an acceptance of the virtues of education .
19 But between political reform and economic crisis , even Hungary will think hard before giving way to emotion and sending its forces in to help the beleaguered Hungarian Romanians .
20 The attraction of the SMG to the left was not , he believes , its commitment to monitoring racial violence and assisting its victims , but its second stated purpose of monitoring and campaigning on cases of alleged ‘ police harassment . ’
21 The government has promised to complete the review within three months and make its results public a month later .
22 The commission is challenging Mr Lawrie 's action and said its members , who have experience in finance and administration , are entitled to apply their expertise to the evidence which they gave careful and detailed consideration to .
23 He will then perform an action and check its results .
24 The Council confirmed its will " progressively to transform the Community into a European Union by developing its political dimension , strengthening its capacity for action and extending its powers [ UK reservation ] " .
25 It regards unionism mainly as a bargaining institution and seeks its ends chiefly through collective bargaining .
26 The orphanage decided on what it called a ‘ change of vocation ’ , transforming itself into a mental institution and declaring its charges to be retarded .
27 She could n't have been asleep when I lifted the ledger from her lap and scanned its pages : she must have been watching me all the time .
28 Stimulation involves feeding a signal into some part of a circuit and measuring its consequences at some other point .
29 In bygone days the Gabrielli family made its fortune as taxcollectors and used its profits to build this splendid palazzo on the Grand Canal .
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