Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may be enough to make him lose interest but , if he persists , discourage him briefly and matter-of-factly , explaining that such words show bad manners and offend some people , who will like him less if he insists on using them .
2 A big wave hit the side of the paddle wheel and sent white water over their heads .
3 His first work , Administrations Civil and Spiritual ( 1648 ) , counterposes the ‘ darkness ’ of formal religion and imposed social order to the inner light of personal spirituality and reason .
4 In other words , all religion and morality are the product of the class struggle and communism does indeed intend to abolish eternal truths , to abolish all religion and to abolish all morality .
5 Walk through the Freemantle Copse , take the left fork of the bridleway and cross three fields to reach the drive of Appuldurcome House .
6 Many police officers will want to remind the Home Secretary as he prepares his response to the Sheahy report that they take special risks and deserve special treatment .
7 A motion from the Selly Oak constituency says reform is needed to curb health risks and to stop growing violence .
8 Second , by pooling their financial resources , the merging companies may enjoy better creditworthiness and access to cheaper borrowing , enabling them to take more risks and finance larger research projects .
9 A mother had instituted her sons heirs and added : ‘ Let them not for any reason alienate the lands which will come to them from my estate , but let them conserve them for their successors and give each other reciprocal guarantees to that effect . ’
10 Their capacity for organotypic development is retained after isolation and shortterm primary culture .
11 In conclusion , we present a simple , reliable , and reproducible method of isolation and culturing bovine gall bladder epithelial cells , which remained viable for at least two weeks .
12 In countries like Egypt , instructions to workers to stay out of fields after spraying and to wear protective clothing are widely ignored , she said .
13 We sang songs and ate foam-tasting cinnamon pastries at gaudy roadstops , in places shaped like bugs with high modern bridges above the road .
14 That way chaos lies , but the Window are aware that the best tension is created from a structure being stretched and shattered , so they rein themselves into songs and mess that way .
15 Now the rhythm section 's so strong and permanent , we can almost deconstruct the songs and create more space in what we 're doing . ’
16 Today , kd lang is changing her tune again , forsaking country music for torch songs and giving free range to a voice that reaches from Alberta to Berlin .
17 They said the South Africans were ready ‘ to do business ’ with many of Darlington 's exporters and said further meetings to discuss trade links were planned .
18 On July 29 the government had unveiled its New Industrial Policy ( NIP ) providing tax exemptions to exporters and allowing foreign investors 100 per cent ownership of any venture except those , including arms and defence equipment , exclusively under government control .
19 First , the advent of the 1988 Housing Act and the limiting of Housing Association Grant to an average 75 per cent of development costs forces housing association and housing co-operative developments to secure the balance of funding from private sources .
20 He kept apologising to Nellie and swearing undying devotion to her .
21 The following messages emerged from interviews with staff and pupils in the six case-study schools about how to combat casual truancy and promote good attendance .
22 I also have severe loss of hearing in both ears and wear two hearing aids .
23 And even St George — if Gibbon is correct — wore a top hat once ; he was an army contractor and supplied indifferent bacon
24 If successful , it would be their intention to maintain Ferranti 's position as a leading UK defence contractor and to share operational responsibility for Ferranti 's businesses with overall management vested in British Aerospace .
25 It is important that the whole family can recognise their grief and give each other emotional support .
26 A few simple heuristic rules are used to identify ‘ suspect ’ clones and probes and to find each probe 's neighbours simultaneously .
27 More exercises and more repetitions are not the answer to correcting poor arm development — it is better to do fewer exercises and repetitions and to take more rest .
28 Composites : essentially manufacturers in their own right which stock and sell other manufacturers ' products .
29 The virus preyed on sows and piglets , in particular killing the young stock and causing pregnant animals to abort .
30 Network SouthEast , struggling to cope with its massive upsurge in business , proceeded with complete refurbishment of serviceable 1960s stock and started massive investment in new trains , notably its Networker .
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