Example sentences of "[noun] and [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A player landing on a Point Of Order square must decide whether they want an Aye or No before picking a card and carrying out the instructions on the card ( for example — ‘ David Owen backs you , lose 50 votes ’ ) .
2 Initial priorities would be projects strengthening the infrastructure , privatization , reforming the financial sector , developing a productive and competitive private sector , restructuring industry , encouraging direct foreign investment and cleaning up the environment .
3 All around him , squatting on the ground , were his followers ; and beyond them , around the outskirts and blocking up the mouths of the little streets which gave on to the square , was a wider , more disinterested audience .
4 For one mad moment he thought of climbing out of the seat and sliding down a girder to safety : ‘ No , you berk , they only do that in films ! ’
5 The picture showed a stocky man with a shock of white hair and the typical Umbrian moon-face , wearing a chequered shirt open at the neck and holding up a newspaper .
6 Even the rain no longer seemed fresh : it congealed in the sullied air , splattering into filthy stinking puddles , hammering the roof and churning up the packed mud until it was slushy and loose .
7 ‘ I knew because it 's got a band of those black and white checks across the bonnet and the roof and running down the back .
8 Alphonse Blaguet , a mediator appointed by President André Kolingba , was charged with setting up a preparatory committee , consulting with political parties and drawing up the agenda .
9 This is a spooning cheese and should be served by removing the top crust and scooping out the paste with a spoon — from the retailer 's point of view it is quite difficult to persuade customers that the cheese is as it should be .
10 However , if a cell has too much cholesterol , it can be removed by an HDL particle colliding with the cell and picking up the cholesterol that is excess to requirements .
11 The presence of ice withdraws water in vapour form from distal cells , concentrating their solutions and building up the extra-cellular crystals .
12 According to a Dataquest Japan survey , Apple Computer Inc was the only personal computer maker in Japan to increase its shipments in 1992 — increasing by 45.8% to 185,000 units and jumping up the market share league table to third place from sixth last year , taking 8.3% of the market , writes Anita Byrnes .
13 To one side of the lot was a collection of European cars and leaning over a snow-white Triumph was Hank Stych , talking to one of the salesmen .
14 When the thumping and cheering had died away Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke rose to her feet fingering her pearls and smoothing down the flounces of her garden party frock .
15 Although they make a go of the cinema for a while , by showing desert pictures and pushing up the heat so that they can sell cool refreshments , their only aim is to get back to middle-class life , but with enough money to avoid any more ‘ petty , stupid problems . ’
16 The spectre of re-ignited conflict inside Israel , with Palestinian sorrow and fury outside , threatening to escalate violence and putting back the chances of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue still further .
17 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
18 singing We are happy , on Wednesday fourteenth of July , nineteen ninety three , on Trent F M and skipping down the yellow brick road of life with Deanna Carol and her Special kind of love .
19 I got half a dozen drunks and three women dressed as Mother Christmas and put them on a truck and we drove round the West End on the busiest shopping day of the year playing loud jazz and bunging up the traffic .
20 President Ali Hassan Mwinyi reshuffled the Cabinet on March 6 , 1989 , creating two new ministries and setting up a planning commission in the Office of the President .
21 So the girls set about phoning potential and existing clients and wrapping up the business .
22 One reason for resistance to the new paradigm was the sheer impossibility of convincing geologists in the traditional way : by convening on an outcrop and hammering out the evidence .
23 The hotel was a shell , the roof having collapsed completely , but a few yards of the verandah ceiling remained intact and under it I spent the most wretched night of my life , standing in a dry corner , listening to the drenching rain and howling wind and breathing in the acrid fumes of the recent fire .
24 ‘ Your lot are slinging up tower-block hotels all round the coast and stamping out the olive groves .
25 So we have and erm we 're gon na open up the top bar , top bar and ripping up the carpet
26 The practice of clipping below the gallery and throwing up the fleeces to a helper to put into the barn was followed here .
27 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
28 Banks can thus cut costs by absorbing their leasing , factoring and other subsidiaries and setting up a unified sales team for many of their products .
29 This is just next door to his old address at No 76 , where he managed to evade a High Court Deputy Tipstaff last week after a tip-off from the landlord , apparently by climbing through a back window and shinning down a drainpipe .
30 Where labour and manufacturing facilities are often quite economical in overseas countries and setting up a manufacturing base saves transportation costs .
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