Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb base] [that] she " in BNC.

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1 And if she did , she would look into Carrie 's mind with her witch 's eyes and know that she knew that it was Mrs Gotobed weeping upstairs , and that she was remembering what Mr Evans had said .
2 She could not have borne it if he were suddenly to change his mind and demand that she give the whole thing up .
3 Later , at the staff table , Sarah told Catriona and Patrice that she was from New York and that she and her mother were travelling around Europe .
4 When , for example , Myra played disappointingly in the Scottish Girls ' after having made so big an impact at the Scottish Championship at Lossiemouth , he had to take her on one side and explain that she was far too exhausted , physically , to be able to give of her best : " I told her that she had to learn to pace herself and decide which tournaments she felt to be important . "
5 ’ It is up to the individual employer to provide for her employee and see that she is well-protected and properly rewarded . ’
6 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
7 The most upsetting thing for me has been to see her medical notes and realise that she could have got the right treatment at home … that is if her country was n't being torn apart by war
8 Such research is evidence of the attention and care that she devotes to her writing .
9 Obviously a married woman ca n't just get up from her chair at that time of the evening and announce that she 's going out .
10 There was a terrible urge within her to just run away and hide , curl up into a tiny ball and forget that she had made such a stupid , stupid mistake by allowing herself to fall in love with someone as ruthless and cold as Luke Denner .
11 She can contact the hospital or the Social Services where who 've agreed to er to talk to her and give her all the advice and comfort that she needs .
12 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
13 Her sympathy for Mrs Wallington helped her to ignore the realisation that it was an enormous relief to be away from Anthony and with people who produced an atmosphere of such calm and ease that she felt immediately at home with them .
14 She looked forward to his usual visit that evening , but he did not come , and it was Comfort who appeared at half-past nine to remake Julia 's bed and see that she had everything she needed for the night .
15 Anita Dobson decided to come on our show and announce that she was leaving EastEnders .
16 When she is older I will send the child to a good girls ’ school and see that she is taught English .
17 Her knowledge of Samoa was based upon what a group of adolescent girls thr told her , through an interpreter , and what can only be called , er , chit-chat and gossip that she picked up from missionaries ' wives and people like this .
18 She gazed at him and she knew her face revealed every inch of hurt and pain and anger that she felt .
19 She herself was taut and quivering too — awaiting the cries of amazement , curiosity and wonder that she was about to release .
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