Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of his villain mates , Morrie Dubedat , set up the deal and vouched for dad 's punt …
2 Neighbours in Emlyn Road , Mayhill , Swansea , persuaded her to jump into their arms after she ran to a front bedroom and screamed for help .
3 Thanking him for giving me a lift , I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for Chapman to get moving .
4 I was going to open it myself but changed my mind and went for Colebrooke . ’
5 In Peking he contacted missionaries and asked for baptism .
6 Catching sight of herself in a wall mirror , Loretta closed her mouth and waited for Bridget to go on .
7 Sergeant Potter called at the Gasworks and asked for Miss Deirdre McTavish .
8 So Sara , troubled , sipped her tea and waited for Jenny .
9 Sitting at the table one evening next to Astrid 's mum , Peg , from Massachusetts , he opened up , as one sometimes can , to an interested stranger and spoke for hours about the old days and about his condition and his feelings .
10 Expectation was boiling when we all climbed into Reg 's minibus and headed for Chamden on that balmy September Saturday .
11 ‘ When you saw the gun pointing at you , you realised the murderer 's intention and begged for mercy .
12 Sally , after much thought , bought a small rosewood clock for her flat and we eventually found the car and headed for home .
13 She was still smiling as she got back into the car and headed for town .
14 ‘ Orme was in the lead as we left Coleraine and headed for Portrush , ’ Robert said afterwards .
15 It was a strangely anomic creature who strode up to the door of the house of the Frankensteins and rapped for admittance .
16 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
17 Mainly , of course , he bought books and arranged for others to be copied , but whenever any of the magnates fell foul of him , he would confiscate his library .
18 In the traditional hunting communities , those who were a burden — because they had become too old to hunt or to follow the family as it trekked to a new hunting ground — took themselves off to an ice-floe or an isolated rock and waited for death .
19 We joined the P and 0 Rampura at Marseilles and sailed for Aden .
20 Meanwhile , Noah Claypole , amazed by all that he had heard , crept up the steps and ran for Fagin 's house as fast as his legs could carry him .
21 They said she was fond of visiting the countryside and coast and appealed for property owners to check outbuildings in case she was taking refuge from January 's cold weather .
22 Alarmed by the doctor 's message , the Prince immediately took passage on the George Washington and sailed for England .
23 Joe recovered enough to rejoin his battalion and sailed for home on 7 March .
24 I closed my eyes to shut out the glow from the cloverleaf window and tried for sleep .
25 Woodruffe jumped out of the car in a panic and looked for Woolley .
26 I arrived in England and applied for asylum .
27 As it was we finished a stroke behind Dai Rees and lied for second with Kel Nagle .
28 He said nothing and she went , with smooth , unflustered movements , to the couch and dropped on to the yielding cushions and prayed for Oliver to come and quickly .
29 ‘ My members swore allegiance to the Queen and fought for Queen and country .
30 I crouched in that alleyway and prayed for Benjamin to come .
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