Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His seeking for single solutions coarsened his thinking and sank into abstraction .
2 The whole mass dropped into the pit and a moment later the big slab was snatched up by several dozen tentacles and slammed into place , leaving a number of thrashing limbs trapped around the edge .
3 Benstede leaned across the table to talk further but , aware of the growing interest of neighbours , stared knowingly at Corbett and lapsed into silence .
4 The police and ambulancemen arrived on the scene minutes earlier than the fire brigade and swung into action when they learned that an unconscious woman was trapped in the house .
5 I was brought up in liberal Anglicanism and lapsed into unbelief and active opposition before being converted in an evangelical Anglican church at the age of twenty-four .
6 Amiss switched off the light and climbed into bed .
7 She left the carriage and came into Marlott on foot .
8 With a cry of despair , Ronni sank to her knees and collapsed into tears .
9 The Protocol has been signed by over 40 countries and came into force at the beginning of 1989 .
10 Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine , not renowned as a shrinking violet , entered Downing Street from the bottom end , took one look at the array of pressmen and crept into No 12 , which has an interior walkway to No 10 .
11 Thousands blocked East German rail lines and crowded into stations to try to board the trains en route to Prague , and thus qualify for the trip to West Germany .
12 It does sound as through some of the rhythmic inflexions have lost their spontaneity and solidified into mannerisms ( they had already done so by the time of the 1978 Vienna Festival account once available on EMI ) .
13 After his conversation with the Zoo Curator Mr Wolski had gone down to the eagles and stared into Minch 's empty cage .
14 The Nationalists set up their own TV station in Sicily and beamed into Malta .
15 Harry Chiltern cackled with laughter and subsided into silence as the nurse at last arrived to draw the curtains .
16 Late one afternoon , after a particularly demanding day , she sat down at her desk and burst into tears .
17 but she saw him on the way to work in town , had a bloody great barney with him on the market place on the way to work , just say , she was in there about ten minutes and burst into tears
18 Drawn up within the Council of Europe , the European Convention on Human Rights was signed on 4th November 1950 by the British and other member states and came into force on 3rd September 1953 .
19 In order to confirm that the ts-1 mutation is still present on this plasmid the Bgl II- Xmn I fragment was purified from a preparative agarose gel and cloned into Bam HI+ Sma I digested pGEM-7Zf(+). ssDNA for sequencing was isolated from this recombinant phagemid and the sequence determined .
20 As a result of an EEC Directive ( Legal Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor products ( 87/54/EEC ) ) , the Semiconductor Products ( Protection of Topography ) Regulations 1987 were laid before Parliament and came into force on 7th November 1987 .
21 Undressing quickly , he cleaned his teeth and flopped into bed .
22 Somewhat reassured , Luce cleaned her teeth and climbed into bed .
23 I dashed out to the landing and ran into Siegfried , who stared wide-eyed at me for a moment before galloping downstairs .
24 Slowly Willie put his arms around him , gave a small cry and burst into tears .
25 His career was bound up with the ‘ colonial-interloping ’ nexus of Puritan merchants , shipowners , and masters which challenged the established trading companies before the civil war and came into prominence during it .
26 Faye opened her eyes for a moment and stared into space , then carefully closed them again .
27 The following year I was offered a house in town and moved into Stornoway to be nearer my work .
28 Its headwaters began in the swamps south of what is now Orlando and flowed into Lake Okeechobee at the centre of the system .
29 Wexford crossed the road to Grover 's newspaper shop and turned into York Street .
30 She slipped into her nightie and slid into bed beside Tom , who was asleep and breathing through his mouth .
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