Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] with the " in BNC.

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1 The Movement put up municipal candidates and worked with the Communist Party and the ILP for the " immediate demands " of the unemployed .
2 Lottie Dod was also an accomplished pianist and sang with the London Oriana Madrigal Society .
3 When the copyists sold the originals to Wildenstein 's for $665,000 and decamped with the proceeds , Wallis got to hear of it and had to buy back the pictures .
4 The prince scraped up the money they had set aside to repair the roof again and Anna went off to India with some English acquaintances and stayed with the viceroy and came back with a ruby .
5 We stayed in the hall and dined with the rest of the company .
6 The Indefatigable , the last ship in the line , sustained a hit and sank with the loss of all but two of her crew of goo officers and men .
7 She sat at her desk and dealt with the post quickly .
8 So I came to the dinner for 20 minutes and sat with the sponsors .
9 It is true that , while outright military victory remained improbable , Labour leaders Toping for a German revolution ) resisted calls for the post-war de-industrialization of Germany and toyed with the idea of placing Britain at the head of a revolutionary European resistance to Hitler .
10 Eventually , after a spell in Scandinavia , he met Steve Coppell and pleaded with the Palace boss for a trial .
11 If for instance the market was temporarily down , following a sharp rise , a dealer would address the client with whichever of the following pitches both suited his sales needs and clicked with the client 's mood and personality : ( 1 ) Buy another stock using fresh capital .
12 Prejudice against the foreign-born had grown during the war and continued with the " Red Scare " of 1919 .
13 AMPES initially concentrated its attention on women workers and collaborated with the PCS trade unions ;
14 In September 1962 Sylvia Plath separated from her husband and moved with the two small children to a flat in London .
15 He has performed in Hamburg , Amsterdam , at the Bath Festival and appeared with the Nash Ensemble and many other chamber groups .
16 The UK has flouted the EC 's Directive and disagreed with the standards it originally agreed to .
17 These ladies in full flight scared the pants off the eunuchs who were standing guard on their tees , and who immediately dropped their balls and scarpered with the wives in hot ‘ pur ’ suit .
18 She rose , crossed the room and sat with the dark man on the floor .
19 In an effort to disguise the smile which rose unbidden to her lips at her own powerful imagery she ducked her head and dealt with the orange juice .
20 Blanche opened a road atlas once they left the motorway and navigated with the diligence of a woman who did not have a natural sense of direction .
21 He resented the price of all these things and toyed with the idea of starting a relationship with a beautician with a view to getting free samples .
22 He wore glasses and a Western suit and moved with the authority of a man of his profession .
23 Part of the wall is constructed from slag blocks , a testimony to the days when Fromebridge rang to the sound of tilt-hammers and roared with the noise of forges — unlike now , a relative peace having once again returned to this lovely and fascinating mill .
24 Thick was the snow on field and hedge And vanished with the river 's edge , Where winter skilfully had wound A shining scarf without a sound .
25 Whatever he did it would be dangerous , and she felt her heart hammering wildly as he gathered the reins and continued with the soothing words .
26 This does not mean separation from sinners , in a sense of isolation and self-satisfaction like the monks of Qumran ; instead , it means involvement with needy , fallen , spoiled humanity , following the example and endued with the Spirit of him who was a friend of tax gatherers and sinners .
27 Following German intervention in Spain he solved the Spanish military code and collaborated with the French on Italian naval codes used in Abyssinia .
28 You have turned your back on your people and consorted with the Great Satan , America .
29 She took a breath and struggled with the tears .
30 13–6–1866 They appointed the first Sabbath in August for the dispensation of the Lord 's Supper and remonstrated with the Kirk Session in Kilmeny who had chosen the same day for their celebration .
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