Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , it used a back entrance to the den and disappeared from view .
2 Arafat claimed that four people had been killed and 231 injured in the town by Israeli forces " as a result of the erroneous announcement that the driver of the bus carrying Israeli tourists in Egypt was of Palestinian origin and came from Rafah " .
3 First half loss before tax fell from £88m to £39m at Guardian Royal Exchange and fell from £114.1m to £97.9m at Sun Alliance .
4 Then , they climbed slowly up the wooden steps to the promenade and disappeared from sight .
5 Leaning forward , his body stiffened suddenly as the bright orange float took a dive and disappeared from view .
6 Karen climbed through the hatch and disappeared from view .
7 Specificity or the degree of specificity of indexing , must be established during planning for the index and reviewed from time to time thereafter .
8 Robyn gritted her teeth and refrained from answering — she needed all her powers of concentration to stop herself from slipping .
9 motor vehicles owned by the Forestry Commission or by local authorities and used from time to time for the purpose of fighting fires ;
10 But he was learning from experience and moved from town to town to polish his burglary skills .
11 Luke moved through a doorway that lead off from the right of the hallway and disappeared from view .
12 In 1940 the use of sugar for cake icing was prohibited — tiered wedding cakes were frequently made of cardboard and hired from bakers .
13 The muddle was such that the welcoming committee threw away their lists of expected arrivals and started from scratch .
14 I needed no second bidding and , in the last two weeks of Lent , when Benjamin fasted on water and salted fish and abstained from wine ( I did the same during the day but , at night , I always crept out to one of the nearby taverns ; I have great difficulty fasting for I get this terrible thirst ! ) ,
15 A considerable amount of research on energy-based and energy-budget climatology had been undertaken since 1956 when Budyko ( translated 1958 ) attempted a heat balance of the earth 's surface and proceeded from equations of where
16 The challenge was taken up by Harry Baker , who being provided with a weight placed it in a backet and walked from Halling Institute to Snodland Institute , so winning the bet , but he had more difficulty collecting his winnings .
17 Gandhi dissociated himself from this development and withdrew from politics until 1939 , when the outbreak of the Second World War stirred him to political action again .
18 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
19 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
20 And it was then , in the midst of the suffering and chaos round them , as Rachel knelt on the ground and took from David 's case the aerosol that would hopefully save a man 's life , that he suddenly looked across at her .
21 Suddenly it swooped down towards something in the bog and vanished from sight .
22 One year ago , my wife and I packed up our young son , double-locked the door and moved from New York to London .
23 But if I said nothing , turned tail and ran from Gyggle , what hope was there for an ordinary life for Ian Wharton ?
24 Police were told and tailed Newall but he gave them the slip and fled from Britain on a yacht he inherited from his parents , a court in Gibraltar heard .
25 Pathologists who carried out a post-mortem examination on Mrs Henderson said she had developed a chest infection and died from complications due to her head injury .
26 True enough , he lived in a caravan and travelled from town to town with the others in his travelling group but it was n't a garishly painted van like the ones old time gypsies occupied , just a normal common-or-garden caravan , the type people stay in on holiday , but that did n't make him a gypsy .
27 She smiled , patted Charlotte 's arm and walked slowly away , the clip of her heels on the marble floor lingering even after she had turned a corner and vanished from sight .
28 The car sped on and she stared , her gaze chained to the dark silhouette of the driver 's head until the BMW turned a corner and vanished from sight .
29 And although followed diligently by Mr Jones along many a fascinating track he seems to have won out in the end and disappeared from view .
30 Weathering of rocks by rain water , by frost , by chemical action which is then leaked into rivers and carried from rivers into
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