Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb past] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The doctor , still chatting away , put her stethoscope in her ears and listened to Phoebe 's chest and heart , then had her sit up and tapped her back .
2 To determine the origin of the cloned IRS-PCR products , amplification products were used as probes and hybridized to Sfi I partially digested GM06318 DNA ; all 7 products tested hybridized to a fragment between 600 and 670 kb in size and multiple smaller fragments ( data not shown ) .
3 Four years later he left the house of William Pickering and moved to Cable Street , Liverpool .
4 Duncan Smith , prosecuting , said the two men were unhappy with the business deal and went to Mr Hawthorne 's home with a crowbar and a handgun .
5 I got into bed beside my sleeping daughter , peeled aside all but one of the covers and went to sleep .
6 Captain Faulknor was still concerned about the ship 's speed and said to Jenking , ‘ that it would be better to stand out to sea for the night . ’
7 One of the grown-ups from along the street noticed the brooch and said to Gloria , ‘ You 're in luck !
8 I closed my eyes and began to pole .
9 MARCUS DALY-FERRIERA , 27 , is a Royal Engineers corporal and came to pentathlon through the Army Triathlon in 1987 .
10 The woman paused before getting into the driving seat and said to Ward in near-perfect English , ‘ I think you 're a bloody fool , but if you 're determined to press on , I suggest you have a word with Alberto Fernandez when you get to Tolambo .
11 Joseph Thomas , engineer , was born in Roche and came to Looe to retire after a distinguished career .
12 But after a further month 's reflection she changed her mind and wrote to Moira that it was up to her to do something about ‘ the incompetence of your staff at Harriet Street [ which ] is now causing BA and myself sleepless nights ’ .
13 Pebbles stretched out her neck and responded to Eddery 's exhortations with the utmost gameness to go a length up .
14 After a while , the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow , sleepy voice , ‘ Who are you ? ’
15 I began to feel something sharp coming through the roof of my mouth and went to Mr Grover , who X-rayed me and showed me a pretty picture of that fateful root still there despite the hammer and chisel .
16 So I usually sipped spicy tea and listened to records all night .
17 And er I got involved on national registration and er , on one occasion , we were working , we 'd got a deadline and we were working through the weekend , and my wife came to pick me up at what she thought was a reasonable time , at one o'clock on Saturday , found she was given a cup of tea and set to work , and we finished , going home about midnight . .
18 He took the instrument and listened to Sandy 's heart for what seemed a long time .
19 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
20 They borrowed a car and drove to Cornwall , though between the two of them they were virtually penniless and had to make do with beans on brown bread for the entire weekend .
21 Mrs Burford , who undertook one year of an A level art course at Darlington Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College and went to Hummersknott School , mostly paints pets and wildlife .
22 Hamnett was educated at Cheltenham Ladies College and went to St Martin 's School of Art to study fashion design in 1965 ; she made an indelible impression there .
23 In the morning he picked up the van in Hilderbridge and drove to Jackley the long way round through Byss , having a newly upholstered chaise longue to deliver before he made the Jackley collection .
24 They vowed his form would improve if he quit Arsenal and returned to Glasgow .
25 At least 27 people were said to have been massacred on a squatter site at Swaniesville near Johannesburg on May 12 by Zulu attackers from a nearby hostel , armed with spears and said to number around 1,000 .
26 She shrugged her slender shoulders and submitted to fate .
27 ‘ You borrowed a horse from the tavern stables and went to Woodstock with the news . ’
28 She stared uneasily at the envelope , at the black , firm hand , at the French stamp , and then she put out the light and went to bed .
29 How could they stick to it , though , once they were under a sergeant-major , a trained bully , lashed to a gun carriage and flogged to pieces ?
30 He says his father wrote it a script and went to London to record it , but he was rather worried because he was a big smoker and he had to keep clearing his throat .
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