Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun prp] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is no reason to suppose that they might not also be swayed to reject the existence of God because of particular events or even of particular arguments .
2 Known as ‘ le riche ’ , Frank Haviland was the envy of the artists of Montparnasse because of his comfortable life , the luxurious meals he ate , the smart clothes he wore , the paintings and Negro sculptures he could afford to buy .
3 The case came to hinge on the legitimacy of Mabel because of William 's first contracted marriage and so to be a matter for the church courts .
4 In a recent case involving a driver of a heavy goods vehicle an oral promise was made by one of the driver 's managers that the driver , a Mr Rump , would not be required to work anywhere in the UK , as mentioned in his contract of employment , but only in the south of England because of special family ties .
5 One EC official said the French government , now isolated in the rest of Europe because of its stubborn stance , finds itself ‘ between the devil and the deep blue sea ’ .
6 Erm the Sun claims this morning that the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey believes that the Prince of Wales should not be allowed to become the King of England because of his friendship with Camilla Parker Bowles .
7 One or two from a roll comprising such as Scott Booth , Stephen Wright , Gary Smith ( Aberdeen ) and Duncan Ferguson ( Dundee United ) will be blooded in the friendly against Germany that precludes the use of Anglos because of English league commitments .
8 Imran Khan , the Pakistan captain , may miss this summer 's tour of England because of a shoulder injury .
9 ‘ Whether we like it or not , we have to be the voice of Israel because in the Arab world radio stations are the representatives of the government , ’ said Mr Sehayek .
10 Mind , I do worry about the Church of England because of its beginnings and its association with Henry VIII .
11 A LEADING pro-democracy activist from Malawi said yesterday he owed his life to the Church of Scotland because of its continued pressure on the totalitarian regime .
12 Britain is now called the dirty man of Europe because of our government 's lack of care for the environment .
13 It must be appreciated , therefore , that when Coenwulf maintained that Offa wished to diminish the dignity of Canterbury because of his hatred of Archbishop Jaenberht and the people of Kent , whereas Pope Leo declared that it was because of the vastness of his lands and kingdom that Offa had desired it , both were representing Offa 's motives in ways which suited their immediate purposes .
14 All London 's football clubs , with the exception of Arsenal because of its training commitment leading up to its eventual FA Cup victory , took part .
15 She can not get away from the House of Lords because of important parliamentary business .
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