Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible that the question you are asking is different from the sorts of discussion you have encountered in what you have read on the subject .
2 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
3 I flew over copies of that photograph of Tweed you gave me , ’ Morgan reported as he drove the Daimler beyond Exeter towards Dartmoor .
4 Does your organization have any programme of training you think would be relevant to human resource development ; communication/presentation skills ?
5 In creating figures from the imagination , this grasp of the three-dimensional form is something you will need to call upon constantly as you draw : your practice with these simplified forms will help increase the stock of knowledge you bring to the task .
6 In creating figures from the imagination , this grasp of the three-dimensional form is something you will need to call upon constantly as you draw : your practice with these simplified forms will help increase the stock of knowledge you bring to the task .
7 If you want to know how many units of alcohol you drink , look up the type of drink in the left column .
8 An easy way to do this is keep track of the units of alcohol you drink in a week .
9 If the answer is no , then you need to think about how you could improve that piece of work , somebody is speaking now it 's bad enough you owe me ten minutes if it 's not the best piece of work you 've ever done , why is n't it ?
10 Remember to make it clear that , however cross or disappointed you are over something he/ she has done , it is only that particular piece of behaviour you dislike .
11 Bring a piece of furniture you wish to restore ( check suitability when you book ) and wear old clothes .
12 Virtually any piece of equipment you care to name can be hired these days — from access towers and cement mixers , to drain cleaners , wallpaper strippers and the humble stepladder .
13 It is strong and not damaging and is probably the one absolutely essential piece of equipment you need above all others .
14 If you remove the piece of rib you 've just knitted from the machine and then compare its width with the width of the needles in working position , you 'll see what I mean .
15 Well all these people , we would always let them ha when we killed one we would share it out amongst the people who had given them , like er , I do n't say every time but occasionally we would do that and we 'd let them have a piece of pork you see , which we could legally do see .
16 there 's that piece of bread you left look
17 That piece of toast you grab in the morning while trying to tidy the kitchen and brush your hair at the same time .
18 ‘ Form a long line along the piece of road you 've been making and search the forest to the north . ’
19 Yeah that 's the piece of paper you sent me is n't it ?
20 For 7 days count the calories in every piece of food you eat and every drink you consume .
21 This means that in an ideal world a new mailing list has to be compiled for each story or piece of information you want to impart to the media .
22 But if you choose to dwell only on the aspects of life you find upsetting , you may not experience as much joy as you could .
23 bloody packets of blood you know what oh , and it 's ten percent of
24 [ 5 ] How do the various pictures of God you have been looking at , and also those which you have yourself , compare with the lists in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 which most of the great world religions would agree on ?
25 In the cold light of day you come to realise that you just can not do it all the time , that the body comes to a point where , for the moment , it has had enough .
26 ‘ I go down and say ‘ every single offcut of lycra you have — and make it into one for me ! ’ . ’
27 As a result of that contract of course you have some rights er but the shop have some rights as well .
28 ‘ I speak not only of the Army — although as Colonel Moore knows probably better than I , the acts of heroism you see there in the face of pain — wounds , cuts , torn limbs ’ — he looked at Mrs Crump ; she swayed slightly — ‘ severed arteries , gashed heads ’ — Mrs Moore was unaffected — ‘ and all the terrible lacerations and disfigurements received on the human body in modern warfare ’ — Miss D'Arcy nodded ; she was intrigued — ‘ but I speak of the self-inflicted torments of the Indian , the Negro and the Mussulman . ’
29 Now we need to explore how to sustain the states of mind you call up .
30 The garage will inform you which category of car you have and , if it needs adjustment , where this can be done and how much it will cost .
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