Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun pl] into " in BNC.

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1 Her father recounted his latest golf tournament , Guy talked to Charles about sailing , then opened up the conversation by introducing a surprisingly shrewd appreciation of the arts into the debate , when it became clear that in addition to racing yachts around the Isle of Wight he made frequent visits to see the RSC at the Barbican , and was something of an expert on modern ballet .
2 Applications to control-system design were first proposed in the mid-1970s , and incorporation of the techniques into industrial and military control systems is just beginning .
3 Nice to speak to you , erm , I 'd just like to say that er , take me now as a , as a normal chap from England who looked across right through his life at Russia as the big bad bear and eight years ago I had the opportunity of going over there , just an ordinary chap and er , of course , there 's so much about the Soviet Union we do n't know , we did , we , erm , for instance we were over there in 1982 when they were celebrating sixty years of the incorporation of the saints into the Soviet Union .
4 For Eliot Stravinsky 's piece itself united city and savage , seeming to metamorphose ‘ the rhythm of the steppes into the scream of the motor horn , the rattle of machinery , the grind of wheels , the beating of iron and steel , the roar of the underground railway , and the other barbaric cries of modern life ; and to transform these despairing noises into music ’ .
5 The method of investigation is a cross-combination of the archival researches of the team of sub-editors and the personal research of the investigators into the annual agricultural census , which is reported in British Parliamentary Paper , amongst other sources .
6 To understand how this view developed we have to recall the effect of the insights into oral language acquisition that came from the work of Chomsky .
7 Needless to say , Mr Kilfedder , 63 , is less than happy at the intrusion of the Conservatives into his feifdom .
8 A mobile laboratory in a converted bus is touring North Wales as part of the Women into Science and Engineering programme sponsored by Nottingham Polytechnic .
9 The cafe owner poured part of the contents into a glass which the plaintiff drank .
10 His strategy was rather to canalize the enthusiasm of the diehards into party channels , to articulate their views , and to create unity from the sense of movement .
11 As respects England and Wales or Northern Ireland , any provision in an Act passed before 1st August 1958 that any order or determination shall not be called into question in any court , or any provision in such an Act which by similar words excludes any of the powers of the High Court , shall not have effect so as to prevent the removal of the proceedings into the High Court by order of certiorari or to prejudice the powers of the High Court to make orders of mandamus .
12 The major political development has been the division of the communists into the reformist Democratic Left and the Marxist Refoundation , and the growth of protest movements .
13 The division of the stimuli into right and left turns demonstrated separate positive and negative relationships between risk and recognition sensitivity .
14 The others are ( i ) the ‘ separation of the intellectual faculties of the production process from manual labour ’ and ( ii ) the division of the workers into ‘ manual labourers and overseers , into the private soldiers and the N.C.O.s of an industrial army ’ .
15 Nor is it only in science where problems arise ; Dewey 's assumptions in politics , philosophy , economics , and religion , are typically western/racist/capitalist/Christian ; and his division of the arts into " Fine " and " Applied " has caused many a pottery teacher to gnash his teeth .
16 Eazy-E 's attorney also says Sony engaged in money laundering by releasing productions by Dr Dre and then depositing ‘ the proceeds of the productions into an institution ’ .
17 With the continuation of the disorders into 1968 , the administration shifted its emphasis — to that of riot control .
18 The only easy part was the telegraphic transfer of the funds into the Colonel 's Singapore bank account .
19 In addition , of course , they assume separation of the components into geometrically convenient shapes and locations .
20 In the remainder of his paper Waterhouse 's intention is to urge preservation of some of the radical and progressive emphases of the pioneers into the new instrumentalist era .
21 Pack assortments of the sweets into small box lids lined with tissue paper .
22 I put the suitcase down on the other bed and began packing the contents of the drawers into it .
23 A well-worn path not marked on the map that may have been an old link between Gawthrop and the track called Long Bank that crosses Middleton Fell , leads to the right of the crags into a slight outcrop of rock marked by a lone hawthorn .
24 She went on , somehow bewitched by the enchantment of the surroundings into feeling totally relaxed .
25 The move of the banks into securities business raises the question of how liquid the securities markets are , particularly in a crash .
26 Since the full tanks weighing about 240 tons each are in balance , one against the other ( by Archimedes ' principle , the loading of the vessels into the tank makes no difference to the overall weight of the tank ) , only a small amount of power is necessary to cause them to move .
27 This dogmatic teaching about how the faith should affect experience is fundamental to the insight of the mystics into the living reality of the being of God and thus to the substance of the game of faith which participates in this being .
28 How should one fit the discoveries of the explorers into the geographical and temporal dogmas of the book of Genesis ?
29 to develop and pilot-test items and consider the nature of the tests into which they might be assembled ;
30 All of these were places of the gods into which he was absorbed in a continuous journey of existence for as long as eternity might last .
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