Example sentences of "[noun] be also of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Coronal images are also of value in the assessment of paraspinal masses with an associated intraspinal component .
2 Clearly their views may have been different from those of the people who died , but respondents are likely to have taken into account the reactions of their relatives and friends , and how these respondents felt about the care in the homes is also of interest and concern .
3 The research is also of interest because of its educational implications for speakers of nonstandard varieties of English , who form the majority of the population .
4 These transgenic mice are also of use in more classical immunological studies .
5 Registration is also of interest to credit analysts , liquidators , receivers , shareholders , and prospective investors .
6 This method of acupuncture is also of value in over 60 per cent of cases of multiple sclerosis .
7 The idea of ‘ bracketing out ’ all practical or theoretical concerns so that the immediate felt quality of a work is able to become the focus of attention is also of importance .
8 From Fig.8.7(a) the variation of v/c over one orbit is seen to have an amplitude of order 10 -3 , and so the SR time dilation of the period is also of order 10 -6 .
9 William Dunlop of Dunure Mains was also of Ayrshire farming stock .
10 Discrete maximin problems are also of interest .
11 Other associated forms of the Riemann tensor are also of interest , e.g. .
12 Group sessions between senior staff and learners are also of value when ethical problems occur in the treatment of patients .
13 The Chipmunk is also of interest , its previous identity suggesting it was recently acquired from the MoD but not so — it is an ex Army Air Corps example that was sold many years ago after storage at Kemble and has been kept as a spares source at the gliding site at Currock Hill , Northumberland , for at least fifteen years .
14 Unesco 's proposals for helping the National Library are also of interest : one suggestion is to connect the library 's book stores by satellite with the information network in other countries .
15 Microprocessor-controlled rows of lamps can help learners with number work ( for example , in binary ) , while using a computer to collect temperature data , for instance , and present it ready for a graph is also of value .
16 The island was also of interest to geologists , botanists , zoologists and other scientists .
17 In a few favoured regions , including Egypt and India , large-scale irrigation works were also of significance , though a simple and fervent faith in technology produced disastrous and unforeseen side effects , then as now .
18 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
19 children children are also of concern to all of us
20 Finite fields are also of importance in statistics via their association with ( sets of orthogonal ) Latin squares .
21 This information is also of interest to all engineers to help them encourage good practice approaches to the identification and assessment of risk issues .
22 As part of a larger system the interface between the other modules is also of importance .
23 The San Giorgio case is also of interest for present purposes in that it accepts that Community law does not prevent a national legal system from disallowing repayment of charges where to do so would entail unjust enrichment of the recipient , in particular where the charges have been incorporated into the price of goods and so passed on to the purchaser .
24 ( Such a terminology is also of use in foreign language teaching . )
25 Knowledge of English literature is also of value in providing us with a common range of reference , and is of great importance in developing linguistic skills in Standard English .
26 Rather complicated interactions can occur at the synapses that connect one cell to another , so the dimensions of a synapse are also of interest .
27 As the authors state , such letters are also of benefit to hospital clinicians , who can focus on the problems much more quickly than by scanning notes ( often untidy or illegible ) plus related correspondence and results .
28 The double coil structure is also of interest in the observation of the earth 's magnetic field .
29 And where the tins of fish are juxtaposed with fragments of Mariana 's body the evocation is also of death and putrefaction , perhaps also of coarse jokes about the distinctive ‘ fishy ’ smell of vaginal secretions .
30 Gd-DTPA is also of value in assessing tumour recurrence after surgery , with the rider that for the first few postoperative months the hypervascular scar tissue does not have a blood/brain barrier and hence enhancement at this stage does not necessarily indicate that residual tumour is present .
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