Example sentences of "[noun] be set off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His broad shoulders and powerful legs were set off to perfection by the excellent cut , while a snow-white silk shirt emphasised his tanned , rugged face .
2 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
3 After my four days Ken was to set off on his own curtailed family holiday .
4 In this sale of French furniture eighteenth and nineteenth-century work is set off by pieces especially created by François Linke for the 1900 International Exhibition in Paris .
5 David Hempleman-Adams is setting off in search of the Geomagnetic North pole in April .
6 Another man in another village was setting off for the fields , his hoe over his shoulder .
7 The dogs were set off by it and the dogs set off the sheep and the goats and the cows .
8 Domestic air flights were suspended on the receipt of bomb threats , four buses were fire-bombed and a small explosive device was set off in front of the CGT headquarters in Buenos Aires .
9 Now according to forensic it looks as if the explosion was set off by two sticks of gelignite and a couple of detonators trapped under the table and wired into the lamp that stood , as it were , beside the chairman 's right hand .
10 If a stimulus is below a certain intensity , the threshold , no impulse is set off along the fibre .
11 The whole collection was set off by the saxe-blue Jacobean embroidery thrown over the shelves on which the pieces were carefully arranged .
12 In addition £219.9m was set off against share premium account in 1988 under s 133 , CA 1985 and not recorded in the accounts .
13 MOST of Europe 's unmarried royals are setting off on a cruise on Norway 's fjords next week , giving hopes for at least one blue-blooded romance .
14 They have been promised permanent showing : they have been given carefully considered hanging , and in some cases have chosen the position themselves ; their works are set off with surprising poise by the predominantly green and white college buildings and gardens , a complex severe and playful at once , severe in its geometry and playful in its romanesque quotations .
15 The façade is wonderfully elegant , the Baroque dressing being set off by superb windows .
16 Other devices are less consistently adopted , but it will be noticed that in ( 2 ) , as often , the non-restrictive clause is set off from the rest of the sentence by commas .
17 Gav is setting off from Oxford , I am setting off from West London .
18 A MOTHER has condemned thieves who stole the wheels off the family car just before her cancer victim daughter was to set off for a hospital check up .
19 Sophia herself was wearing a green jersey suit and a small hat , but she felt that she did not look so absolutely right as Ianthe , whose plain blue woollen dress was set off by a feather-trimmed hat which had just the right touch of slightly dowdy elegance — if there could be such a thing .
20 Indeed Gow 's appearance was formidable , an uncompromisingly Scottish kind of countenance being set off by bushy eyebrows and side-whiskers , and anything like conceit or pretentiousness on the part of a pupil might provoke a wounding sarcasm .
21 At Westons cidermill in Much Marcle , Herefordshire three hundred revellers are setting off for the apple orchards.They 're following in the footsteps of their pagan ancestors in the hopes of ensuring a bumper harvest .
22 The hospital spokesman said it was believed a smoke alarm was set off by someone having a cigarette in a toilet .
23 This is the life down on the Copacobana beach in Rio … sun shining … waves crashing in on the sand … and its here that Liz Macdonald from Gloucester is setting off on the second leg of the British Steel Challenge … she 's on board the Nuclear Electric yacht … from Rio they round Cape Horn and head for Hobart … they 'll be racing for six weeks …
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