Example sentences of "[noun] be use for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Protein-based products are used for the maintenance and reconstruction of the inner and outer layers of the hair and are particularly beneficial on chemically damaged hair .
2 The alcoves on either side are used for the hanging space , and the reduced space in front of the chimneybreast for shelving , either exposed or concealed behind the wardrobe doors .
3 Door-to-door sales methods are used for a variety of products , from vacuum cleaners and household goods to cosmetics or double glazing .
4 But er , frequently the animals are used for the research and there 's no pain involved at that time and they are killed humanly before the research actually takes place .
5 In the famous scene where Piggy 's spectacles are used for the rediscovery of fire , William Golding got his optics wrong .
6 Without the help of the S.D.S. the project seems doomed as the Region are unwilling to help and few of the local people would consent to council funds being used for the setting up of a permanent site or the renting of a plot of land as a short-term site until a permanent site can be found away from the town .
7 Have you heard any of these words being used for the side of things by the , the tinkers ?
8 The HDI data excluded several non-UN countries , and gave a single value for the ex-Soviet Union ( for GNP , separate data were used for the latter ) .
9 Police , who kept the crowd away from the entrance being used for the day-long meeting run by the James Connolly Association , said the demonstration passed peacefully .
10 However , bistables based on individual transistors are sometimes used and valves were used for the purpose many years ago .
11 A trumpet in high F is used for the exacting trumpet part in Brandenburg No. 2 , and one in high B flat ( an octave higher than the standard B flat instrument ) is now in circulation .
12 A range of learning methods is used for the taught modules , including case studies , seminars , lectures , tutorials , simulations , presentations and projects .
13 The result is used for the design of a.c. generators so it must be all right .
14 Simpson 's Rule is used for the integration .
15 3 years ago , Waddesdon Manor was used for a summit between Mrs Thatcher and President Mitterand .
16 After his arrest , the vermilion red Metro car belonging to 51-year-old Michael Sams was used for the demonstration , which proved that the bin would fit into the back of the vehicle , still allowing the tail-gate to be shut .
17 During this stage quadratic harmonic potentials were included for the covalent geometry , a square-well quadratic term was used for the distances and dihedral restraints , and a quartic potential was used for the van der Waals term ( F- repel ) .
18 It became the permanent home of the German race with the exception of 1959 when the race was staged at Avus , and 1970 when Hockenheim was used for the first time .
19 Well I would n't be here because a horse was used for a toxin to provide the anti-toxin for diphtheria whe , in my days when I was younger there was no toxins as such , vaccination as such and so therefore the horses were used for research to provide the anti-toxins .
20 He told the jury : ‘ This courtroom was used for the trial of Moors murderers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady .
21 Student 's t test for unpaired data was used for the group analysis .
22 Left : Riven paving forms both the patio and the wide simple step up to it , while walling blocks are used for the risers as well as the support to the enclosing balustrading in this tiny hide-away garden built with traditional materials
23 They were soon copied by the French , who developed formations of this kind on a large scale from the 1760s onwards , while light infantry were used for the first time in Europe by the Russians at the siege of Kolberg in 1761 .
24 Commons nearer to settlements were used for a variety of purposes .
25 Evidence of insufficient cover might include someone other than the insured person driving the vehicle ; the vehicle being used for the purpose other than agreed , e.g. for business purposes ; or the present vehicle not being entered on the firm 's records ( this being difficult to detect in these days of not generally showing a registered number on a certificate ) .
26 The foreground is usually a relatively coarse aquatint and is printed in umber , a more delicate aquatint is used for the distance and sky and printed in prussian blue .
27 " alluph is used for the " chieftains " of Edom ( Genesis 36:15–43 ) ; probably for a commander of a military " thousand " ; and almost certainly for the professional , fully-armed soldier .
28 Fine grape alcohol from Portugal , France and some Eastern Block countries is used for the fortification .
29 Apart from tool handles and spectacle frames , Dexel is used for a variety of end products , including hair ornaments , pens and livestock ID ear tags .
30 The prefix hypo- is used for an ion with an element in a very low oxidation state and the prefix per- for an ion with an element in a high oxidation state .
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