Example sentences of "[noun] be in [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The geographical nature of the North-East dictates that the vast majority of North-East based national football reporters gravitate to Newcastle and Sunderland on a daily basis because the clubs are in such close proximity .
2 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
3 ‘ They are both very important jobs for us , not least because contracts are in these lean times but also because of the calibre of both the clients , ’ said Mr Asquith .
4 Drivers are in such close proximity to passengers and there is no grille between them as in black cabs .
5 For the most delicate lake systems of Sweden and Norway even a 100 per cent reduction in deposition is not expected to return them to life ; 3–7 per cent of the lakes in Norway 's 1,000 lake study are in this super-sensitive category with a ‘ zero alkalinity ’ at 100 per cent reduction , and will require liming .
6 Most schools are in such poor physical condition and are so poorly equipped that this is unlikely to be a viable option .
7 It would be dangerous to suggest that this impossibility is in any strong sense theoretical , i.e. open to mathematical proof , and I will assume it is no more than a strong empirical impossibility .
8 This means the proportion of Target 's shares sold in consideration of such rights will be treated as not disposed of , so will not realise a gain , provided s135 TCGA is in all other respects satisfied .
9 Jean was in that horrible sa mustard and black striped
10 Ellen was in such obvious pain when I left her that people sided with her .
11 Knowing the time the dot was in any particular position , Libet was able to calculate that on average the experience of the conscious intention to act was reported as beginning about 200 msec before the movement began .
12 But few countries were in such neutral condition , and very much later the subtle signs of appreciation became known : extra aid for Guatemala ‘ enhanced ’ military aid for Honduras , a veto of a damaging import-limitation bill for Taiwan , and goodness knows what quiet back-scratching for China and South Africa .
13 Consider two similarities , the first between two post-structuralists whose work is in most other respects incompatible , the second between post-structuralism and the post/modern .
14 It is only if the universe is in this no-boundary state that the laws of science , on their own , determine the probabilities of each possible history .
15 If the universe is in any other state , the class of curved spaces in the sum over histories will include spaces with singularities .
16 ‘ The Consul-General 's in this particular political game too , ’ said Owen , ‘ and I think he would be interested . ’
17 ‘ I am proud to say that one of our comrades is in this very squadron .
18 Yet despite its geographical spread , it is hard to find common features among the different risings which would justify the idea that the revolt was in any real sense a common movement .
19 Because the nests are in such orderly rows , scientists at the Museum of Paleontology at Drumheller , Alberta , believe that the same species of dinosaur returned to the site to give birth each year for many hundreds of years .
20 Notice , though , that while flow figures are useful in telling us the directions in which companies channel the funds they received , they do not tell us how active intermediaries are in any particular market .
21 The potential for conflict when Chinese and Japanese troops were in such close proximity was enormous , and became greater as China moved towards unity and greater strength .
22 Many easterners are still not convinced by the virtues of unfettered markets , and only a handful were in any active sense dissenters under the previous regime .
23 First of all erm Ryedale District is n't saying that the policy is warranted because North Yorkshire is in any unusual regardless of the quality of the countryside here , but that this is a reasonable reflection of national policy on development in the open countryside .
24 What is required , Locke argues , is that the law of nature be embodied in a set of known and established laws that there be an ind in short that it 's not just up to the individual to state what the law of nature is in any particular case , you know , you 've got a set of known and established laws , you know , which do that .
25 Typically , the heroine is in some confined , duty-bound situation , just as in life many , many women still are .
26 If I am to do better than merely throw up my hands and assert that Alison Kraemer was in some indefinable way ‘ the real , right thing ’ , then I would suggest that the distinguishing characteristic of her ascendancy was the way she denied you any possibility of mitigating it .
27 On the other hand the material which Eliot had put into Pound 's hands turned out to be so inchoate that many readers were led to wonder how far the poem as they had it all these years was in any authentic sense Eliot 's at all .
28 ‘ We will keep the ones which are really historic but some of the rest are in such poor condition they will have to be demolished . ’
29 Unfortunately , no trials of efficacy were carried out at that time , and this is impossible to do now as the vaccination schedules are in such widespread use .
30 This time , the crew were in such high spirits that they dropped Nickles over the heart of Berlin , spirits that were somewhat subdued when it was realised that they could not close the bomb bay doors after combing .
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