Example sentences of "[noun] be the [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 As his skipper celebrated his recall to the England squad , Gunners boss Graham said yesterday : ‘ I can tell you categorically from talking to the top managers that Adams is the player they 'd all want in their side .
2 Lenny 's the man they call the Guvnor .
3 Seeing as the best thing about Levitation is the way they challenge his previous band 's liabilities , it 's a shame Tel 's still trying to master his own voice , but there 's still time before they release their debut single .
4 One of the strangest things about the two Maus books is the way they subvert the comforting conventions of the adventure strip so that its familiar clear-cut division between heroes and villains , its technical short cuts and moral simplifications somehow make it easier , not more difficult , for the reader to grasp that these things actually happened .
5 But what is most striking about both books is the sense they give of how desolate and enclosed an adolescence could be , at opposite ends of the society .
6 What is striking about these two books is the sense they convey — little less unusual now than when they were written — of a strong and independent black community , in which people found their own way rather than having it mapped out for them by white expectations .
7 What should have been equally obvious to the assemblymen was the fury they were thus provoking , including megaphonic demonstrations by the opposition Democratic Progressive party to coincide with the students ' protests .
8 Each tree had its fine strip of snow where the sun had not yet reached ; thin lines running vertically , white against the darkness of green-lichened bark ; lightning-conductor-like clues as effective as a compass : north-east was the direction they faced .
9 One of the most admired features of the educational systems in France , Germany , and Denmark is the way they integrate a substantial proportion of what we would call ‘ general education ’ into their vocational programmes .
10 May the ‘ sales and recruitment ’ campaign amongst the clubs continue at full throttle — especially amongst the junior age groups , who voted with their TV ‘ on ’ switches that rugby is the game they like best .
11 One ever-welcome characteristic of Goodfellow basses is the way they balance ; they 're so obviously players ' instruments , equally comfortable to play whether sitting or standing .
12 One surprising aspect of these responses was the way they were almost always followed or overlaid by a sense of satisfaction , even pleasure , at having documentary evidence to support particular explanations of racism , and particular ideological standpoints related to them .
13 A further problem with A-levels is the narrowness they impose on students .
14 Blackpool 's the venue they like best .
15 One of the important features of museum collections is the function they have as touchstones of quality and authenticity .
16 This shows the plebeians that Brutus is the man they need to lead them as all his speech is honest and spoke truths and did everything unselfishly , for other people — the crowd then go wild with enthusiasm for Brutus , and Brutus leaves them with Mark Antony , wrongly , asking the crowd to show respect for Caesar 's body and for Antony 's speech .
17 If the bomb is the dimensions they say , then it 's very large for such a small explosive value . ’
18 One of the problems which Lloyd and Beveridge ( 1981 ) identified as giving rise to poor performance on the part of young receivers of messages was the phenomenon they referred to as ‘ premature selection ’ .
19 The classroom was the warehouse they 'd been in before .
20 Marjorie was astonished at how attached Bill became to Lizzie , as if Lizzie was the daughter they 'd longed for .
21 If a husband and wife are the adopters they have the same rights as against one another , and as against the adopted child , as if they were the child 's natural father and mother .
22 So , given things being the way they are , who 's to say they 're the loonies because they do n't do things the way Joe Punter thinks they ought to be done ?
23 Things being the way they were .
24 Indeed , the very first piece of family self-revelation is the way they choose to sit together , for this can show the observant counsellor the existing pattern of alliances and tensions , as revealing as any words .
25 From a scientific rather than a psychiatric standpoint , the most interesting aspect of these bizarre tastes is the opportunity they afford for witnessing the extreme chemical insults which the body can accept and overcome .
26 Albé was the nickname they had for Byron .
27 The day before opening night was the time they all dreaded .
28 The glory of the audio-visual media is the contribution they bring to the teacher 's communication skills .
29 ‘ Now the price they see in the brochure is the price they pay , ’ says Nick Wood , Head of BA 's Outbound Products .
30 However the most disturbing illustration of the reality of their love is the way they treat and talk to each other the following morning .
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