Example sentences of "[noun] be that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His final words were that she needed a nice long holiday after a few days in bed .
2 Her main fault is that she takes too seriously the allusive jokes in Asquith 's letters .
3 Her first crime is that she has n't clocked into an office for 16 years .
4 Blanche tiptoed over and remembered the face from the photograph of Tatyana 's that she had borrowed .
5 One claim guaranteed to draw fire from Kylie is that she missed out on a childhood because of showbiz .
6 I think one of my difficulties with Adam Bede is that she begins to lose interest a little bit in the figure of the beautiful , but not actually very bright , village girl , whose seduction is an important part of the story , and by the end of the book we feel that she 's actually bored with Hettie , is n't really concerned any longer to explore Hettie 's own sufferings as the other woman who has been badly treated by the rascally gentleman .
7 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
8 Rain thought she was trying for a dramatic effect , but she was a poor actress and the result was that she looked petulant .
9 But the irony was that she had lost Luke already .
10 The chief , indeed only , reason for her appearance on the scene is that she gave birth to a ( male ) child !
11 What is known about Jane is that she lived in a cellar in Wisbech , earning her living by reaping in the fields in the summer and spinning wool and flax in the winter .
12 Her attitude is that she wishes to continue with the treatment which she was receiving when the hearing of this appeal began .
13 Andrew 's opinion of the new help was that she looked well fed , but he had then further remarked to Peggy that he hoped , now that she had help , he would benefit for , being less employed , she would be less tired .
14 Her biggest regret was that she found it necessary to keep its existence from David .
15 The first discovery she had made on return was that she had forgotten to take the cheesecake out of the freezer .
16 ‘ The only different thing about Maisie at the moment is that she has to go to hospital to have treatment .
17 According to Mrs Baldwin , whose account was more immediate , the words were : ‘ Sir , this is a very grave decision and I am deeply grieved ’ ; but the significant difference is that she adds : ‘ and he went on to tell him that according to some legal opinion the divorce ought not to have been granted , that there were certain aspects of it that in any ordinary case would not have gone through . ’
18 The reason that the buyer selects a packet labelled , say , ‘ cocoa ’ from the shelf is that she wants cocoa and she is relying on the description ‘ cocoa ’ accurately to identify the packet and its contents .
19 ‘ The truth is that she envies me , ’ she went on more calmly .
20 The upshot was that she had a rocky route through the rest of childhood and adolescence while I slipstreamed smoothly behind .
21 The very reason she had applied to the shipping company for a job was that she felt she needed a complete break , a change of scene .
22 The only difference was that she understood him now .
23 So far , all that she knew of Josie was that she owned a big handbag .
24 For the truth was that she 'd been offered promotion a dozen times — in spite of the fact that when she 'd started as a trainee she 'd had no formal training , no experience , nothing to commend her but a fistful of ambition .
25 She felt unrested , her eyes heavy as she stared into the fire for the truth was that she had slept very little and , when she did drift off , dreams of being in Craig 's arms tormented her .
26 The truth was that she did not especially wish to learn .
27 The truth was that she did n't want Sam to be in love : not seriously in love with an older man , and the boy in the bistro was n't really a boy at all , being at least twenty-two .
28 Not that it mattered , she thought ; the truth was that she did n't give a damn about herself .
29 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
30 One of the lawyers ' wives wanted to know the secret of Ellen 's coffee , and Ellen modestly said she just followed the percolator instructions , while the truth was that she put a cupful of cheap instant coffee powder into every percolated pot .
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