Example sentences of "[noun] of [be] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise nothing was changed as a result of being world champion , absolutely nothing …
2 One of the bonuses of being Magazine Editor is that you get a three minute Pastoral visit once a month .
3 Chains of being Robert Foley
4 ‘ While I support the building of am ambulance station at Whitehill , I feel that urgent consideration must be given to an emergency unit close by , ’ he said .
5 He gained a lot of brownie points , for example , when the company announced its record interim losses of £45.1m and then revealed plans to sell off the majority of is leisure division .
6 News Reporter of the Year was Anthony Coppin of the West Lancashire Evening Gazette and the honour of being feature Writer of the Year was shared by Peter Richardson of the Lancashire Evening Post and Diane Robinson of the Manchester Evening News .
7 Gemma , in this her last moment of being Miss Dallam , did not notice the stir Linnet was creating and would not have minded if she had .
8 By doing this , I think players would think twice before pulling out of Tour Events as it could mean the difference of being world number one and world number two , which I believe means a great deal more to them than they would like to admit .
9 The board-and-label copy of Marryat 's Mr. Midshipman Easy illustrated earlier admittedly with the added attraction of being Admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy 's copy — cost the buyer some £165 recently .
10 That this has got some chance of being F dash
11 Twenty-four black militant organisations were subjected to ‘ tax surveillance ’ as part of International Revenue Service ( IRS ) harassment , and FBI agents placed bogus documents into the hands of Panther members which led them to suspect each other of being police informants ( McAdam and Moore , 1989:281 ) .
12 They drove past the big Siemens factory , plastered with huge portraits of Marx and Lenin , on to the broad , tree-lined avenue of Am Treptower Park , swung into a car-park , and stopped .
13 Queen in her own right , yes ; but only of that junior partner , while being fêted and ultimately enjoying the pleasures of being queen consort of the senior .
14 When all who direct , manage , control , teach , undertake research , plan and administer are ‘ bureaucrats ’ in the sense of being state functionaries , it is difficult to identify the class element in what is a large and heterogeneous stratum containing different and conflicting interests , such as those between the party and the scientific and technical intelligentsia , or the higher levels of state administration and the management of economic institutions .
15 The concept of a failure rate of over 25% in the First Division has raised objections from those who understand that an omelette can not be made without first breaking some eggs but would rather not run the risk of being dairy produce .
16 The first was that they were legally members of the National Church by virtue of being Crown Subjects ; this was nonsense of course as the tolerance introduced after the ‘ Glorious Revolution ’ recognized Dissenters ' right to exist , even if it were a restricted right .
17 ‘ She would make pretence of being Anne Duchess of York ? ’
18 The board master performs this service on a voluntary basis and the prerequisite of being board master is knowing the fishing thoroughly ; because he has to tell new guests where to go , how to get there , which path to take , which bog to avoid , where not to fall in — so he really must know what he is talking about .
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