Example sentences of "[noun] of [verb] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the lack of some important information , we believe the currently available randomised trial data can guide clinicians weighing the benefits and risks of adding aspirin and heparin to thrombolysis ( table III ) .
2 A Neopolitan nobleman , Federico Grisone , studied Xenophon 's books concerning horses ; and as a result of this he not only opened a riding academy where young noblemen , including the sons of many European kings and princes , were tutored in the arts of handling horses and courtly behaviour ; but he also published , in 1550 , his book Ordini di Cavalcare , of which much had been copied from Xenophon 's works .
3 Finally , the outcome of the experiment of mixing foot and cycle traffic in a pedestrianised shopping area is as yet by no means conclusive .
4 Units which admit mothers with postnatal depression may also admit the baby , and the ICN may need to ensure precautions are taken for skin care , sterilisation of feeding equipment and nappy disposal or laundering .
5 All of these " intensive " methods of using film and video can introduce greater depth of understanding than passive viewing , and help to realise the potential of this extremely powerful medium .
6 To illustrate a typical method of producing a single-sided printed circuit board , the methods of creating artwork and utilising the UV system will be now described , and later we will look at means of designing your own artwork .
7 Arnold Leese 's anti-semitism owed much to his hatred of Jewish methods of slaugh-tering animals and the cruelty that he believed resulted .
8 He distinguished the cultural sciences by the fact that their ‘ objects of study ’ are humanly made , that someone observing them is observing processes in which he himself necessarily participates , and that different methods of establishing evidence and interpretations are then inevitable .
9 Other methods of monitoring response and turnaround times are therefore needed .
10 It provides insights into the purposes of balance sheets , profit and loss accounts and methods of costing projects and production .
11 Appropriate methods of providing advice and feedback are used
12 It was easier for this head to talk about methods of producing unity than about the ideals behind it .
13 The draft agreement outlines , in great detail ( 11 sections and 33 sub-sections ) the hours which teachers shall work , contractual limitations upon teachers ’ workload , the grade structure within schools and methods of appraising teachers as well as details on pay , negotiating machinery and the responsibility of the employers .
14 Early methods of breaking rock and winning hard ore often involved heating the face with fires of wood , bracken , gorse bushes and any other dry combustible material .
15 The members of the Board have to decide on the best methods of bringing work and money into the region .
16 We believe that these provide innovative responses to those businesses seeking methods of collecting receipts and making payments , funds reconciliation and effective cash management .
17 What has been neglected for far too long are methods of transferring passengers and goods from one transport system to another .
18 These methods of categorizing components and assemblies thus enable production facilities to be used more efficiently , purchasing requirements to be known more accurately and the conforming of piece-parts and assemblies to functional constraints to be maintained .
19 The only way to solve the problem of obtaining precise dates is to devise methods of dating sites and finds accurately .
20 But , as with any archaeological object , such interpretations can be made only when we have a secure idea of when and where a coin was made , and the methods of dating coins and attributing them to mints is therefore discussed first in Chapter 2 , where it will also be seen that the same techniques for dating and attributing coins can sometimes be turned round , using coins to date other objects or to identify places .
21 She was consistently kind to faded little Miss Fogerty and very willing to show her new methods of threading beads and making plasticine crumpets , explaining patiently , as she did so , the psychological implications behind these activities in words of three or , more often , four syllables .
22 Up to now there have been four methods of regulating supply and demand , all equally iniquitous .
23 On the other hand , my opinion is that , efficacious though it proved to be , there are better methods of inducing scepticism than applying a hard rubber , wielded in the sleeve of a gown , at high speed to the side of the head .
24 In 1694 he paid to Rith Young £34 : 0s. : 4d. , and to John Allam 11 and to Mr. Whinforth for " powder " £2 : 5s. : 9d. — this " powder " must surely be gunpowder , and if so , is the first reference to the use of explosives at the Coniston mines , heralding the first departure from the age-old , and honourable , methods of winning ore and breaking rock .
25 The therapist should indicate other less disruptive methods of obtaining help and bringing about change .
26 The 10% of the population who have addictive disease will always find methods of obtaining alcohol or will turn to use of other mood-altering chemicals .
27 The students criticised the official methods of selecting candidates as in 1980 , claiming it was totally undemocratic .
28 methods of recording practice and criming
29 This chapter comes much nearer to explaining methods of gaining knowledge and solving problems than do other chapters .
30 Pioneers such as Octavia Hill showed what could be done in altering and repairing sub-standard property and in new methods of housing management and rent collection .
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