Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] to man " in BNC.

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1 Until the reign of Mehmed II ( 1451–81 ) it is difficult to speak of a learned hierarchy since the practice of reserving the individual offices of state to men of a particular background and training whether to slaves of the Palace School system , to the ulema , or to men of the bureaucratic profession — had not yet become developed to any very great degree .
2 Clement of Alexandria 's principal achievement was his trilogy : ( 1 ) an Exhortation to conversion ( Protreptikos ) , in the style of ancient homilies commending the study of philosophy to men of affairs inclined to think it a waste of time ; ( 2 ) the Paidagogos or Tutor , providing a guide to ethics and etiquette , which is a major source for social history of the age ; ( 3 ) Stromateis , or Miscellanies , a deliberately rambling work , constantly changing the subject , but from which the discerning reader can reconstruct a remarkable , carefully thought out system .
3 In response to this line of thought it may well be pointed out that the subordination of woman to man is depicted in scripture as having resulted from the fall .
4 Just the men , what 's the kind of proportion of women to men in the factory ?
5 You simply did not do that sort of thing to men like Luke Denner !
6 Between 1695 and 1705 four attempts were made to restrict membership of Parliament to men of landed wealth , in the belief that men of such independent means would be less susceptible to Court bribery , until eventually a Land Qualification Bill was passed in 1711 .
7 ( Research by Lynda Grattan and Tim Morris on effective succession planning in organizations points to the considerable importance of feedback to men and women early in their careers .
8 At all levels of education the ratio of women to men has been increasing steadily .
9 For example , between 1970 and 1982 the ratio of women to men achieving two or more A-levels rose steadily from 75:100 to 95:100 and the corresponding ratio for university entrants rose from 40:100 to 70:100 .
10 For example , among income support recipients in 1989 the ratio of women to men increased from being roughly equal among those aged 60–9 , to three to one in the 70–9 age group , to 4.6 to one for those aged 80 and over ( DSS , 1991 , p. 28 ) .
11 I have though had a good ratio of women to men shown in the gallery but I do n't think that is what draws women to me .
12 They trace and explain why it is , that the ratio of women to men diagnosed with a mental disorder is 2:1 .
13 In silk weaving the ratio of women to men weavers was probably significantly higher than in wool or cotton .
14 The picture about paid work must be set alongside that of the unpaid domestic work where the ratio of woman to man hours is reversed .
15 Sugar beet might be given the capacity to produce new amino-acids of value to man which could be extracted at the same time as the sugar .
16 The great John Milton , that blind justifier of God to Man , stayed under this very roof once .
17 The poem sets out to justify the ways of God to men , and what little time is left me will be devoted to justifying the ways of god to men , and we must begin this , sorry we must begin this by a word on on the fall — the way of God the ways of God to men of course are punishing men for the fall .
18 But I want really , in conclusion , to jump straight to the central part of the poem in which the ways of God to man , got to me are most clearly justification 's most clearly involved , and that is the actual process of the fall .
19 The poem sets out to justify the ways of God to men , and what little time is left me will be devoted to justifying the ways of god to men , and we must begin this , sorry we must begin this by a word on on the fall — the way of God the ways of God to men of course are punishing men for the fall .
20 The poem sets out to justify the ways of God to men , and what little time is left me will be devoted to justifying the ways of god to men , and we must begin this , sorry we must begin this by a word on on the fall — the way of God the ways of God to men of course are punishing men for the fall .
21 And to justify the ways of God to men with such honesty , that is to say with such a complete account of what the price is which would have to be paid , is of course no longer to justify but to enact the actual conflict .
22 This included a number of payments to men and women for various services rendered but who were not in every case employees as such .
23 God 's Gift Mine , it was recognised , lay conveniently near to the Brigham smelters enabling ore deliveries to be maintained throughout the winter months whereas the other ores " further distant , can not be brought to the said smelting house , but in the sumer only … you may therefore consider how farr forth those Mynes soe farr distant may bee sett upon with good strength in sumer and what number of kibbles will weekly be gotten and towards winter when that will faile , to drive those pickmen from there to work in Gods gift , if the winter shall not hinder untill we may be furnished either out of Germainie or our own Nation with a sufficient number of pickmen to man all the works thoroughly & withall to consider whether the Myne of Gods Gift be not so plentifull as some other new Stolnes ( G. Stollen — tunnel , adit etc. ) or head ( possibly a forerunner of our word " heading " ) may be driven thereby to gitt the like weekly pportion ( proportion ) as hath formerly been gotten there . "
24 It is ‘ theoretically ’ , because the then Home Secretary introduced new guide-lines some years ago which severely restricted the application of parole to men serving sentences for offences of violence , sexual offences and the supply of illegal drugs .
25 It had been part of the creed of childhood , indeed , the whole of life , unquestioned as so many other maxims were unquestioned , respect for parents and elders , the courtesy of men towards women and the inferiority of women to men , and original sin .
26 The supposed inferiority of women to men , although it existed in developing countries before colonialism , was reinforced by Victorian colonists and through Christianity .
27 give a lot of stress to men ?
28 Likewise , they are prepared to make allowance for the fact that certain scientific facts about the world were not known , or for example that the biological relation of woman to man was misunderstood .
29 Might not St Paul or Thomas Aquinas raise an eyebrow at the idea that their views continue to be cited , given the knowledge which we now have about the origin of humankind or the biological relation of woman to man ? l6
30 The issue of whether women themselves actually use a different form of language to men is more complex .
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