Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 Hashmat Ara Begum , a community worker in the Borough of Camden told me that she too had come across the most contemptuous attitudes among Health Visitors .
2 Says singer Michael Stipe : ‘ The very weird religion of celebrity scares me .
3 Those sorts of things inspired me , and the reason those records sound like they do is because they used that equipment .
4 I think when I meet — and maybe would count them not in hundreds , but in tens — when I meet women who make those sorts of comments and say this time last year I would not have said that , then those sorts of things encourage me very much .
5 What sorts of factors constrain me to do so ?
6 Thinking of Bonanza got me on trying to figure his reaction if Vecchi got hooked for the Mahoney killing .
7 So far from craving for crumpets I was firmly resisting repatriation and trying hard to stay where I was ; the kindness of friends enabled me to do so .
8 My only desire was to keep these hideous creatures at bay whilst I desperately looked for a gap in the ring of steel surrounding me .
9 The mention of Frankenstein stopped me in mid-thought .
10 Mention of Polidori reminds me that the little Italian doctor had entered with Mary .
11 And mention of Ken brings me to a quick word about British gold panners .
12 He 'd planned this summit carefully , and now the Zen of the entire thing had gone crazy , because just as Dad opened his mouth to start talking blood had started to drip into my lap from my nose as a result of Charlie chucking me into his drum-kit .
13 Then from the sealed camp at Fairford — ‘ The Cage ’ , where members of the S.A.S. were confined after they had been briefed — there was released the batch of letters to overwhelm me anew with love and foreboding .
14 Even in obeying ‘ Be aware ’ , the objects which with arousal of awareness draw me towards them also enhance awareness of themselves , the objects which repel also numb awareness of themselves .
15 ‘ Easy — a stroke of genius hit me at the height of the bombing , General .
16 Following the further arguments of which we have had the benefit , I should find it very difficult , in conscience , to reach a conclusion adverse to the appellants on the basis of a technical rule of construction requiring me to ignore the very material which in this case indicates unequivocally which of the two possible interpretations of section 63(2) of the Act of 1976 was intended by Parliament .
17 Holmes ' warm words of thanks made me feel much happier , and I saw that he was right .
18 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
19 Then there was a tape of Jill sending me a message .
20 She did seem to meet quite a number of people on her walks ; people whom I knew a little , so that fragments of conversation pursued me .
21 Dreadful sensations of isolation overcame me .
22 A surge of adrenalin lifted me sky-high .
23 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
24 I hoped a phone call late last night was going to be the chairman of Liverpool offering me the job of manager at Anfield .
25 Once I had learnt to ride , the trick of balancing took me quite a while , that bike , over the next four years gave me enormous pleasure .
26 ‘ You know what the Brits in this part of Tuscany call me ? ’ he asked her .
27 Er so any clarification you can give about er er Mr er with Mr Potter 's comment that we would have to wait and see each one on its circumstances when we talking earlier about the industrial change of use makes me twitch , because it 's lack of precision which all of us are trying to eliminate as much as we can in this process .
28 I was frustrated by a slow start — the mass of runners held me back
29 Then a wave of feebleness swamped me and dumped my body on the top step .
30 The second I walked off the set , a wave of pain hit me and I looked down at my grazed shins and one swollen knee .
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