Example sentences of "[noun] be [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Threats to property in a person 's presence are themselves a breach .
2 A Separate staffs , households , budgets and agendas are what the princess has long wanted to make her a royal in her own right .
3 Becky are you a pain in the bum ?
4 Do you recognize any of those books are they the sort of normal
5 There is no one solution to sociology 's empirical reference , no clear idea as to whether there ever could be , no one canonical method for all sociological research , and no one conception of data : data are whatever a researcher can make useful for meeting his/her research objectives , aims or problems , which is not to say that just any old thing will do .
6 That summer , scoop necks and arms bare to the shoulders were what every woman wore , with hair loose , or caught in a gleaming beehive .
7 But what is important in the episode is what the narrator takes for granted : that when men of standing disputed , arbitration was hard to arrange , and often immediately unacceptable to the party which felt itself the loser by the judgement , even where monetary compensation was offered to soften the blow .
8 C. G. Seligman did not exaggerate when , many years ago , he declared : ‘ Field research in Anthropology is what the blood of the martyrs is to the Church . ’
9 The ladybird is what the excitement 's about .
10 Stitch is there a possibility I could have a bit of toast or something ?
11 Newton says his successful rapport with Chelsea supporters is itself a triumph in the light of recent history .
12 The LDP is itself a coalition comprising the PDP-Laban Party ( founded in 1983 from a merger of the Pilipino Democratic Party ( PDP ) and Laban ( Lakas ng Bayan — People 's Power Movement ) , the party led by Aquino 's husband prior to his assassination ) and the Lakas ng Bansa ( People 's Struggle ) .
13 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
14 you know that Steven is he a nuisance
15 It expresses one 's readiness to have a certain attitude to the person named by ‘ you ’ if he acts in a certain way , and in a broad sense this readiness is itself an attitude .
16 Labour is what the Policy Committee wants .
17 The markedly lower probability that children of higher birth order than of intermediate parity will survive early childhood obliterates any gain that there might otherwise be from bearing many children to ensure survival of a moderate number ; sustained childbearing at high parities is itself a cause of infant and early childhood as well as maternal morbidity and mortality .
18 Action is what the Cost of Quality calculation should bring .
19 I have my pile of objects , paintings , books , critics to throw out — and I dare say so have you — THROWING THE WRONG ONES OUT IS BETTER THAN THROWING NONE — CLUTTER — BETTING ON EVERY HORSE IS WHAT THE ART STUDENT DOES .
20 The design of questionnaires is itself an art with certain ground rules .
21 Subsection ( 8 ) deals with the special case where an authorised institution is itself a trustee and holds sums which , but for the exclusion in section 5(3) ( a ) , would be a deposit .
22 In this sense the increase in judicial review over whether the evidence warrants the application of a certain statutory condition is itself a correlative of the widening of the concept of jurisdiction .
23 Within the territory of England proper , the only surviving separate language was Cornish , and it is significant that this linguistic divergence was itself an issue during political troubles in the mid sixteenth century : one plea which the Cornish rebels made in 1549 in favour of the traditional liturgy was that ‘ we the Cornyshe men ( whereof certen of us understande no Englysh ) utterly refuse thys newe Englysh ’ ( 73 , p. 135 ) .
24 Once the United States was itself a colony and fought hard for its freedom and independence .
25 This division of labour was itself the product of the growing complexity of the social organism .
26 These were the Bani Umayyah , whose head , Abu Sofian , was a particularly determined opponent of Muhammad during the early years of the propagation of his message , and the Bani Hashem , of which Muhammad was himself a member .
27 Landing the headquarters at the Old Entrance was itself a miracle of seamanship among the blazing wrecks and heavy fire directed at the MGB .
28 But intentions and motives are themselves a matter of rules of right and rational conduct in socially defined situations .
29 Alan Are you a student ?
30 Quality , premiums , yields and timeliness are what the grain harvest is all about and so far it looks as if the malting trade may turn out not too bad .
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