Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , these pathological tendencies are still with us today and are widely recognized in individual mental illness ; but what is not generally appreciated is their extent in cultural forms , not all of which are limited to ancient societies .
2 He has a feeling that his womenfolk are up to something .
3 ‘ The Italians and the Germans are still at it in Spain .
4 He stressed : ‘ These policies are n't for our benefit — usually the bank is paid up-front as a preferred creditor .
5 As discussed in section 6.2.3 , FC policies are not without their critics ( e.g. Shoard 1987 ) ; many conservationists believe that the widespread use of alien conifers is neither environmentally nor aesthetically beneficial to the British landscape .
6 Rates of interest offered to investors by building societies are coming down and in some cases are now below what can be obtained elsewhere .
7 In these countries , habits of payment by cheque are still in their infancy so that bank deposits constitute a relatively small proportion of the total money supply .
8 Governesses are n't worth their salary , are they , Mamma ? ’
9 This is why many Georgian and Victorian houses are out on their own , whereas William and Mary and Queen Anne houses are often in the middle of villages , where the original manor had always stood .
10 The clinical signs of anaemia and perhaps diarrhoea in calves or young sheep are not in themselves pathognomonic of bunostomiasis .
11 who feels your , your plans are not in their best interest .
12 So if the H M I P are now at one with Selby then they must still stand by their view that there is a considerable risk to air quality as outlined in point one of their letter of the eighth of September .
13 ‘ Unfortunately those stirring times are still with us .
14 The shock and grief are not of his death really , but more because of his life .
15 Some 40 assemblymen are now in their nineties ; almost half are octogenarians .
16 The fans are still in it yet , for the
17 Those who run KIO today point out that some of his former fans are now among his co-defendants in the British courts .
18 ‘ Mountain chicken is not available , ’ she added , ‘ because the frogs are still in their breeding season . ’
19 Neil is Max 's dad ; Neil is also a chiropractor but this does n't concern Ralph at all since his only dealings with Neil are merely in his capacity as Max 's dad .
20 If the golden age for Byrd 's motets has only just begun to dawn , then Byrd 's songs are still in their dark ages .
21 However , if lenders and borrowers can be assumed to look further ahead than the immediate moment , and if their guesses about the future are anywhere near what eventually happens , the level of real interest rates in 1984–5 may be better represented by one of the last two columns of Table 8.3 .
22 But of course the poor little animals are n't on our level . ’
23 For instance , octopus eyes are very like ours , but the wires leading from their photocells do n't point forwards towards the light , as ours do .
24 If your eyes are always on your party political opponent , or ministerial colleague and rival , you may be paying less attention than you ought to what Hollywood , IBM and Fujitsu are doing .
25 ‘ The two men responsible for actually starting the Dublin Hell Fire Club are n't in it . ’
26 With positive encouragement from the DoH , many units are now considering what type of evaluation they should be introducing , not whether they should be introducing it at all .
27 One of the things that we need to be clear about is that erm computers are not unlike us .
28 And his 59 League goals are still within our top five since the war , although all the others had rather longer Palace careers than he did .
29 While I grabbed the excuse of starting senior school to wriggle out of reeling , jigs and hornpipes , some of my peers are still at it , 20 years on .
30 These words are well past her point of failure in the Schonell Test ( that is , ten consecutive errors ) , and so it is possible that she had reached a level of frustration : feeling that all the words were too difficult she ceased to think carefully about whether what she was writing down was likely , and simply put down anything that came to mind .
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