Example sentences of "[noun] be [prep] us [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cos the purpose of the exercise is for us to see how far we 've come , but the most important purpose of the exercise is to determine where we wan na go .
2 As such foods become more widely available , the onus is on us to put our money where our mouths are .
3 The onus is on us to extend our understanding of that society , rather than to insist on seeing everything in terms of our ready-made distinctions .
4 If the answer 's no we do not approve then it 's up to us , the onus is on us to do whatever we can , wherever we have any control to prevent it happening .
5 Er the reason for the get-together is for us to look closely at the aspirations of the group within the immediate future , and taking us forward three to five years .
6 As well as using this guide and learning from practical experience , an important way of improving our service is for us to continue to be knowledgeable about the broader theory and practice of our work .
7 The only thing which can save your life is for us to amputate your left leg . ’
8 The thing is for us to receive .
9 Mr Bill Trythall , the AUT president , said : ‘ The pressure is on us to regard universities less as centres of academic excellence and more as productive enterprises , the analogues of manufacturing industry . ’
10 Every time there is a problem , people come back and say , ‘ The answer is for us to purchase additional data ’ .
11 Jock instilled into us that the end product of our training was for us to become independent in every way , operating either alone or in very small groups .
12 er and some of the solutions that are offered to reduce those crimes involve women restricting , their movements and their freedoms , but I think one of the other reasons why generally people who are victims of crime be they men or women feel guilty is because one of the implicit elements in tradition crime prevention strategies is for us to reduce the opportunity for crime
13 The most painful — ’ He paused , corrected a slip of the tongue , and went on , ‘ The most painless way is for us to keep out of each other 's way until you can leave .
14 And we once went to Scotland , then breakfast in it , when Pauline was with us did n't , were n't it John ?
15 As the young owls had fledged , he said that we might expect to find them anywhere in the area , and that the best idea was for us to fan out and scan the branches .
16 And tonight Will was with us to tell us a little of his work .
17 The oth the other , the other option is for us to hold that .
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