Example sentences of "[noun] be [noun] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 The women in this case are suspects in their own right , especially if we take notice of that boy , though from what you–say I ca n't see Anna 's mother hauling herself up on the scaffolding behind Benson 's , or making a run for it when the boy turned up . ’
2 As always Archiv , the artists are specialists in their fields ; Pinnock , Preston , Musica Antiqua Köln/Goebel , Hollinger , Walcha , Camerata Bern/Füri .
3 Planning proposals are subject during their life to many checks or forms of appeal .
4 Pupils know which keywords to use to find information since the keywords are part of their classwork and this helps to prevent lengthy and potentially confusing or searches designed to solve the problems of synonyms .
5 IN THE PLAY Julius Caesar , Cassius tells Brutus , ‘ Men at some times are masters of their fate . ’
6 Bands like that are accidents waiting to happen in a world where 99 per cent of groups are casualties of their own blatant ambition .
7 Although many of the homoeopathic remedies are poisons in their crude form , the process of potentization by which homoeopathic remedies are prepared separates the healing power of the remedy — the quality of the remedy — from the toxic effects , which are associated with the quantity .
8 Long bodies and short legs are reminders of their close relationship to weasels and polecats .
9 If you are a beginner or enthusiast , you will find that our tutors are specialists in their field and that learning can be fun !
10 The showmen were men of their time and they knew how easy it was to tell stories that would be sympathetic to the common man , that would condemn all truly evil men and their agencies , and yet at the same time would do nothing other than confirm existing social values .
11 The great preachers were masters of their craft .
12 Training in research methods is part of their preparation for their research projects on the basis of which they will write a dissertation .
13 One of the things museums are going to have to do in future is take over their buildings .
14 Understanding that thought could influence the body for good or ill was part of their diagnostic practice .
15 Nor could I believe that it was the intention to bring in at a single stroke a charge to tax that would be calculated to interrupt the education and expectations of so many parents and children , for it is surely common knowledge that the provision of free or subsidised education for the children of those teaching in independent schools was part of their usual terms of employment and that the salaries paid would be wholly insufficient to meet a charge to tax based on the full fees of the school .
16 Some would argue that many of these areas are disciplines in their own right and merit their own main class .
17 The Camorra and the Mafia are part of their heritage , violence in their blood . ’
18 ‘ In the old days the presenters were stars in their own right .
19 The attitude of the extended family and friends towards black people and to a black child being part of their family , must be ascertained .
20 Their degree is evidence of their academic ability in a particular subject area .
21 The marines ' sexist and racist mutual abuse is part of their camaraderie , with the women getting the best lines : ‘ Were you ever mistaken for a man ? ’ asks one hapless male of Private Vasquez ( Jenette Goldstein ) , setting himself up for ‘ No ; were you ? ’
22 Parents on the streets of the town know there is something badly wrong , that the issue is control of their children , and it is often to the school that they look .
23 From anarchist opponents of authority such as William Godwin and Robert Paul Wolff through moderate supporters such as John Rawls and Joseph Raz and on to enthusiasts such as Hobbes , Hannah Arendt and Michael Oakeshott , a considerable chorus of students have echoed the refrain that the directives … of authority are to be obeyed by B irrespective of B 's judgments of their merits ’ .
24 The healing quality of tears and laughter is part of their lives .
25 Because if we happened , just happened to discover , or even suspect , that our spontaneity was part of their order , we 'd know that we were lost .
26 Management and leadership training and experience for NCOs and officers , new skills training for everyone , and a very much higher level of fitness than that of the average civilian are benefits of their voluntary service .
27 The poem describes the harshness of the new order : ‘ My goodly stock e'er yet they tasted food , / By cross-grain 'd hinds were driv'n from their abode …
28 Thomas Brinton , bishop of Rochester , preached that the English defeats were punishment for their sins .
29 Clutton-Brock ( 1974 ) , for example , using finer instruments and methods than the earlier work , and applying it to species contrasts , was able to show that differences between two colobus species living in the same forest were functions of their feeding ecology .
30 Primate tool use has been studied by anthropologists in the hope that it might tell us something about our own evolution ; by psychologists trying to obtain a better understanding of problem solving and intelligence ; and by animal behaviourists simply because the use of tools among wild primates is part of their natural repertoire of behaviour .
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