Example sentences of "[noun] be [v-ing] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Bretton Woods institutions are preparing for their fiftieth anniversary next year .
2 ‘ People who had their money in high-interest accounts are looking for something else to do with it .
3 We 've organized a fashion show , and Spice are playing for us . ’
4 Swindon are looking for their third consecutive win .
5 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants ' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages .
6 A whole host of patterns are waiting for you to find and use them .
7 Police at Bessbrook are appealing for anyone with information about the incident to contact them on ( 0693 ) 838222 or use the confidential telephone 666999 .
8 But other customers buying at higher prices than in shops are paying for their credit .
9 The umpires are calling for their new chairman to be Roy Kerslake , a Taunton lawyer and a former Somerset cricketer .
10 Nottinghamshire are looking for their first win in a one-day competition at Trent Bridge this season .
11 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
12 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
13 When the fans were screaming for him to play Clive Allen , Reid kept him on the bench .
14 The bantams were waiting for her to let them out of their safe house .
15 The bazaar drew nearer and nearer — and what a strange thing , McAllister thought , to be such a central part of her life , and she and Matey worked together now , in that , as in everything else , and Matey 's liking for her grew daily , for the eyes McAllister turned on him were always so full of love , and he was easy and happy with her , as he had not been since he was a boy before Africa and Angela Deverill 's betrayal .
16 All Ruritania is waiting for him in Strelsau and Black Michael with half the army , too .
17 Crosby is fighting for his job after the 5–2 defeat at Peterborough .
18 ‘ If you ask me , Miguel Rafaelo is falling for you . ’
19 DAMON HILL is aiming for his elusive first Grand Prix win in the Canadian Grand Prix this weekend .
20 MOTOR RACING : DAMON HILL is aiming for his first Grand Prix win in the Canadian Grand Prix this weekend .
21 ‘ The whole of this club is rooting for him and wishing him well , ’ added the comparatively young Liverpool chairman , who admitted to finding his first year in office ‘ a difficult baptism ’ .
22 An ambitious lecturer in an English Department is writing for his peer group , not for the general public .
23 No doubt the whole neighbourhood 's waiting for me to make an honest woman of you . "
24 Dido 's sobbing for her old lover even as she lies in the arms of her new one — this melancholy , which Virgil , and following him Hardy , responded to with such sympathy , is for Pound deathly , it precludes the genuinely ‘ new ’ , which he urgently wants to find and to celebrate .
25 The Riverside Theatre in Coleraine is preparing for its first production of the new season .
26 The last redoubt of the ‘ arm 's length ’ policy would then be the national theatre companies and a chorus of voices is calling for their retention by the Arts Council .
27 Sorrel 's cooking for us tonight , ’ he said apropos absolutely nothing .
28 The like is waiting for us all , when God so designs .
29 Marie was waiting for me and when I caught up with her she linked her arm in mine .
30 Ranulf the rat-catcher was waiting for him just outside the door , a sleek , well-fed Bonaventure in his hands .
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