Example sentences of "[noun] be [v-ing] at [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Andy is looking at my bag .
2 She could tell that Dr Neil was looking at her most sceptically , although he was touching her so gently that the black fear which she had felt before she had fainted did not return — and pooh to his suspicions !
3 When he went in , Marie was sitting at her desk .
4 Tension was plucking at his aged tendons like lute strings , mottling his complexion into an approximation of Sefcredian clay-lizard skin .
5 Later Delia Sutherland was sitting at her desk under a fluorescent tube in the estate office .
6 David was smiling at her happiness .
7 His uncle 's axe was striking at his head .
8 The wind was tugging at her hair , the setting sun turning it to false and fleeting gold .
9 Catalina said her husband 's resignation was first discussed with John Major while he and Norma were holidaying at their mountain home near Madrid .
10 If you 've reached this end of Gardom 's picking at its quiet and subtle fruits en route , then an amble back along the cliff top path is a fine way to end a day at this land that time nearly , but not quite , forgot .
11 Mrs Kizza is working at her ancient treadle sewing-machine , making busuutis , the traditional Ugandan dress for women .
12 Now the council is looking at its options .
13 There is a well known Peanuts cartoon by Charles Schulz in which a girl is sitting at her school desk querying the C-grade she 's been given for her ‘ sculpture ’ made from a coat-hanger .
14 In London , Dougal Munro was working at his desk when Jack Carter came in .
15 She told Susan Coltman the friendship had started while Paula was living with her parents and Gilfoyle was staying at their new home in Grafton Drive , Upton , as it was being renovated .
16 She told Susan Coltman the friendship had started while Paula was living with her parents and Gilfoyle was staying at their new home in Grafton Drive , Upton , as it was being renovated .
17 That was something that Boaz did , there when Ruth was lying at his feet .
18 The judge was looking at his papers , and said , still looking down , ‘ I believe you want to adopt this little girl .
19 One night in London , nearly a year later , a servant girl was sitting at her bedroom window , looking out at the moonlit street .
20 The cyclist 's eldest child was peforming at his school 's nativity play and was led off the stage to be told of his father 's death .
21 Both dogs were straining at their chains , Rosie trampling her five pups and drooling at the mouth , Lady pawing the air with her front feet in a begging gesture .
22 While the booksellers were looking at his books he would quietly nick a few of theirs to sell to another shop .
23 Amid the boy 's triple obsession with sex , cricket and poetry , incidents prefigure insurgent communal hatreds , from Roshan 's ambivalence at kissing the pok-tainted lips of a Christian to a Hindu teacher 's beating at her brothers ' hands for her affair with the Muslim schoolboy .
24 A waiter was hovering at his shoulder .
25 When it rained , she thought nature was crying at her weakness , and when the midnight wind blew she thought nature was angry with her .
26 Silvia was glancing at her watch .
27 Losses reached a peak during the decade 1881–91 when the net figure approached 85,000 per annum , just as the whole population was growing at its maximum absolute rate ( 350,000 per annum ) .
28 Hans was staring at his father wide-eyed .
29 Now the buds are blossoming and the cricketing itch is gnawing at our stomachs .
30 A chauffeur driven limosine was waiting at her home near Banbury to whisk Betty , her new outfit , and just a few of her many nearest and dearest to the Palace for the big day .
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