Example sentences of "[noun] be [v-ing] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The government are failing in their duty to protect people , the employers are failing in their duty to protect people .
2 Elena 's parting words are ringing in my ears .
3 Conservative candidates are standing in our name and in that cause .
4 His words were ringing in her ears now although they had had little impact before .
5 Her words were ringing in her ears as she eventually made her way through Customs .
6 Signals were flashing in her brain .
7 Her astonished eyes were taking in his costume : gold-embroidered satin jacket , knee breeches and jabot of the eighteenth century .
8 Luke was speaking again — and this time the eyes were turning in her own direction .
9 Lucifer 's atmospheric corona was blotting out the stars again , and voices were babbling in his ears .
10 The two narrative modes walk side by side in bold yet relaxed society , and support each other in the face of the fact that Raskolnikov is shaking in his shoes .
11 Are there events taking place that we will never ever see because they 're so far away , or maybe they 're taking place in such a way that they 're moving away faster than the light is travelling in our direction ?
12 And the wind 's blowing in my ears .
13 The present struggle between Egypt and Syria is assuming in his eyes apocalyptic proportions .
14 The slow , steady rhythm was pulsing in her veins .
15 As the hacks speculated about the cloud of black smoke that suddenly appeared over the palace roof — it did not mean that no decision had been taken , only that a chimney had caught fire — the President was browsing in his favourite bookshop , Les Arcades , just below The Sunday Telegraph 's Paris office .
16 But most of these can be regarded as experimental works designed to clarify the problems that Picasso was facing in his painting .
17 While Dustin was appearing in his first lead role on Broadway , he was filming at the Biograph Studios in darkest Bronx , thirty minutes by limo ( laid on nightly by Twentieth Century-Fox ) from the Great White Way .
18 A hand was clapped roughly over her mouth , and she was almost lifted up by the arms and moved at a run back into the house , where Mrs Prynn was waiting in her nightcap and gown , with the trap door into the cellar open and the key in her hand .
19 The effect was striking in its simplicity , its sobriety , while his face had a gentleness Li Yuan had never seen in it before .
20 The light was shining in her eyes , swooping towards her .
21 Dawn Allenby was standing in her coat and headscarf staring at herself in the mirror .
22 But though the blood was pounding in her head and her vision was blurred she managed to take up the envelope again and lie down with it on her bed .
23 The wind was blowing in their faces , the odds were against them too up at Orrell , but the Cherry and Whites are at last beginning to stir .
24 The wind was strengthening in their faces , and more than one man looked up at the sky in puzzlement .
25 ‘ You look tired , dear , ’ said Doris Smythe when she had hobbled up to her door and let Linda in before carefully locking it again once Linda was standing in her dark hallway .
26 When I got indoors Mum was out but Frankie was sitting in her chair by the fire warming his toes on the fender .
27 ‘ So you 're concerned that the legal eagles are getting in your way ? ’ asked Dickin .
28 So how many folk are working in your section ?
29 Fred Astaire ( above ) and Rita Hayworth are starring in You 'll Never Get Rich at the Regal , York .
30 While the middleweights were sparring away , the heavyweights of the All Black selector-coach battle were staying in their corners .
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