Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] that it " in BNC.

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1 The recommendation is simply that it be noted and I wondered if anybody wanted to make a contribution , or ask any questions , put anything forward , on Appendix A. Councillor
2 The case for taxing income as a form of local revenue is simply that it is most directly related to the capacity to pay .
3 When women do confront sexism , the glib reply is often that it is a joke .
4 ‘ A crucial problem in the law of rape is precisely that it focuses unswervingly upon the non-consent of the complainant .
5 The defence of formalism is always that it serves to control an excess of feeling , but here in the absence of formalism there is nothing but empty pathos , artificiality in its weak form .
6 Stradling writes , " Until comparatively recently the prevailing view on political education in England was either that it was already adequately taken care of through History , Geography , Social or General Studies or that it was a wholly unsuitable subject for the school curriculum . "
7 On the other hand , there is no alternative to understanding the world through interpretations and models and hence through what are , in the last analysis , intellectual fictions whose warrant is only that it is as if they were true .
8 The other problem with the concept of consent is simply that it is susceptible of very weak and even negative interpretations .
9 Quinn 's fundamental point is simply that it is foolish to try to produce a total group-wide analysis at a given time and then to go ahead rapidly implementing that , ignoring the changing external and internal environments .
10 In this case it is wrong to speak of the wording of the trust as being free ; the point is instead that it is possible to construe a trust in order to validate a disposition , for their existence or non-existence is not attested purely by the use or non-use of certain forms .
11 But the great strength of whole group drama is precisely that it gives context and coherence to small group work ; it makes it easier for the teacher to monitor work , to make it highly dramatic and keep it tightly focused .
12 For what guarantee is there that it does so objectively ?
13 The interest of UE is simply that it follows Gaius , and keeps to the basic wordings .
14 Thus nobody seems to notice that the oddest thing about the STV is precisely that it is a single vote — for that is what it is , no matter how many preferences are expressed .
15 There was nothing wrong with the noble creed they were taught-it was just that it played no part in the actual operation of the military dictatorship .
16 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
17 It might be necessary to witness a rehearsal before an assessment of the overall impact of the play can be made , and if the purpose of the performance is so that it can be publicly reproduced on a different occasion , the circumstances in which that publication will take place will have a bearing on the offensive character of the artefact in question .
18 A characteristic of such an organization is often that it has a very large board .
19 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
20 Well the the situation is also that it 's confusing in terms of Apex , Supersavers , Savers , Nonsavers er you ca n't travel on these trains at certain times , you 've got to plan your journey three months ahead if you want to get the maximum savings and all the rest of it .
21 The answer is probably that it would rarely be so .
22 The answer is just that it simplifies interpretation of the figures by reducing uneven streams of benefits and costs to a single index of NPV ( or IRR ) .
23 The defence of a firm accused of predatory pricing is often that it is merely responding to competition : so evidence of its intentions may be quite important in deciding whether a firm 's conduct is predatory or not .
24 The greater benefit of the computer to statisticians is therefore that it does not become ‘ bored ’ by a large number of simple tasks .
25 The reason many directors resist starting a pension scheme is simply that it takes money out of the business for example , for expansion .
26 Most people er recognise that er being able to park in a space in a busy street is an important part of driving , and the surprise is really that it 's never been part of the test before .
27 Its answer to the problem is either that it is entitled to more money from central Government , regardless of how much its rate support grant for the social services sector has risen , or that it needs the unfettered right to raise further taxes locally .
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