Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There has been speculation among local climbers that the individuals responsible for the chipping of Hareless Heart are also to blame on this occasion ; a theory backed up by the likelihood that the vandals had some level of climbing expertise .
2 But Anna 's family say the authorities are also to blame for her death .
3 But I would like to point out in this video , and on the brochure that goes with it , actually says the rest of the field are there to follow on horseback or on foot or by car , very few people indeed actually witness the death of a fox .
4 To their credit , The Cherrys are more to do with cartoon frenzies than the slick professionalism which seemingly warrants a Spin front cover at the drop of a bobble hat , but it 's as hollow a victory as Linford Christie 's Olympic Gold in the absence of Carl Lewis .
5 The judge , who criticised the police for the way they conducted their inquiry , read out a note from the jury : ‘ We believe Sheffield social services department are partly to blame for Mr and Mrs Hanby being placed in the predicament they are in today ’ .
6 Usually though , our crises are more to do with logistics .
7 I do not think that the speakers are totally to blame for the lack of picked note definition either .
8 These anxieties were shortly to lead to his mental collapse .
9 The magazine Der Spiegel recently published the results of an opinion poll revealing that 14 per cent of Germans still think Jews were partly to blame for what happened to them in the second world war , 36 per cent believe Jews ‘ have too much influence ’ , and more than 50 per cent believe it is time for Germany to forget the past and move on .
10 NEARLY one German in three believes the Nazi era had its good points and that Jews were partly to blame for their own persecution , according to a new poll .
11 All the slight injuries happened at roundabouts on Northgate , Bondgate , Parkgate and North Road Mr Graham Hamilton , of Darlington Freewheelers , said car drivers were often to blame for bike accidents and called for new measures to raise awareness .
12 Graham Hamilton , of Darlington Freewheelers , said car drivers were often to blame for accidents and called for new measures to raise awareness .
13 But that would seem a trifle if a request for something like $150 billion of western aid were soon to appear on the G7 's table .
14 The immediate remedy is usually to petition for winding up in the public interest , so that a provisional liquidator ( the Official Receiver ) can be appointed , halting the company 's activities .
15 Kaifu declared : " If the [ Soviet ] new thinking which put an end to East-West confrontation and overcame Cold War-era thinking is also to prevail in Asia and the Pacific region , the first thing to do is to establish relations of true friendship between Japan and the Soviet Union . "
16 As for being free — to be in thrall to a ruling obsession is hardly to exist in a state of freedom .
17 The programme is largely to do with the perceptual side of thinking .
18 The aim of this study is thus to examine in detail different kinds of provision for children with special needs in the first year of secondary schooling .
19 To speak of a ‘ significant other ’ among social classes in a given national modernism is also to speak of the culture associated with that significant other class .
20 To support Wilfrid was also to engage in a protracted dispute which must have been a long-term embarrassment both to the Northumbrian king and the archbishop of Canterbury .
21 The illusion was only to precipitate into a historical fact — the proletariat 's birth and growth — history 's total meaning , to believe that history itself organized its own recovery , that the proletariat 's power would be its own suppression , the negation of the negation .
22 There are still problems with central defence as Wetherall was partly to blame for the goals .
23 The thrust of German research was eventually to culminate in a position summarised by Rudolf Bultmann of the University of Marburg , one of the most important , most famous and most esteemed of twentieth-century biblical commentators :
24 The analogy was there to draw between what they were prepared to do at home and what they might contemplate doing out of sight in a subjected territory .
25 Instead the United States was soon to swing against it with General Hodge undermining it , and most opinion in south Korea was hostile to it .
26 The adult Nizan was never to escape from it .
27 The combined effect of these concessions was virtually to remove from threat of rate-capping all but about 20 ( 4.4 per cent ) of the 456 principal local authorities then existing in England and Wales .
28 A bill to oblige developers to include a proportion of low-income housing in any application to build office blocks or housing complexes was also to go before the National Assembly in April .
29 I think his pleasure was merely to talk about it in that calm way to a completely ignorant young girl .
30 Due recognition was soon to come to the industrious doctor : in 1716 George I created him a baronet , an honour as yet conferred on only one other physician .
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