Example sentences of "[noun] [is] that in [art] " in BNC.

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1 An immediate and obvious problem with pluralists ' methods is that in the effort to achieve falsifiability , only major visible issues reaching decisional status are used , yet of course it is possible for pre-decisional power to be used to keep grievances from becoming observable issues .
2 The logical result is that in a month of war more high explosive has been dropped on Iraq than was used in the whole of world war two .
3 The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run .
4 Summary The main point we have made in this chapter is that in a relatively formal style such as that of academic essay-writing , much of the impact and credibility of what you write is achieved by the way it conforms to conventions .
5 The only difference between ancient Greek tragedy and modern revolutionary tragedy is that in the former the struggle was against a distant , unknowable , divine power , whereas in the latter the struggle is against an all-too-present social order manufacturing poverty , disease , unemployment and war .
6 A second assertion of monetarists is that in the absence of government intervention in the economy , there will be an automatic tendency towards the ‘ natural rate of unemployment ’ — that is , ‘ the level of unemployment which has the property that it is consistent with equilibrium in the structure of real wage rates ’ .
7 An important difference between conventional statistics and statistics of grain size distributions is that in the former frequency is expressed as numbers whereas in the latter it is as weight percentage .
8 The grim alternative is that in a few years many more specialties will be in the position of thoracic medicine and more junior doctors will spend even longer in the training grades .
9 A final point to make about the adoption of accruals accounting is that in the USA the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has further developed the idea of a set of accounts which are not purely cash-based but are also not full accruals accounting as best commercial practice would envisage it .
10 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
11 The other crucial difference between the types of memory test is that in a recognition test there is generally a relatively well defined set of distractor items .
12 The only essential dissimilarity is that in the Eastern bloc the economy is socialized and directed towards the common welfare .
13 The only difference is that in a CFG , one variable symbol is singled out and called the start symbol .
14 The one difference is that in a hire contract the terms as to title and quiet possession can be excluded or restricted by an exemption clause provided that exemption clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
15 The only difference is that in a contract of hire the implied terms concerned with the " owner 's " right to transfer possession of the goods can be excluded if the term satisfies the test of reasonableness .
16 The only difference is that in the 1950s and the 1980s the Conservatives had more than 10 years to cure the ills of the economy while in the 1970s they had but four .
17 The second difference is that in the colleges advanced instruction is usually timetabled , if not a formal part of the course , whereas in universities and polytechnics it is generally neither of these .
18 The other difference is that in the James-type account the mind is pictured as being related to the body in a certain manner .
19 Why these two methods of accounting are controlled so differently is a complex matter , but a factual difference is that in the context of companies depreciation is purely a matter of accounting , whereas for local authorities it is a matter of accounting and finance .
20 The difference is that in the former case it is the teachers and support staff who use the systems , while in the latter it is the learners .
21 However , the danger is that in a newly created , lightly regulated , competitive environment it will become increasingly difficult to justify the mixed menu currently available .
22 The danger is that in the minds of many it is a form of veiled anti-Americanism or a form of surrogate nationalism .
23 The danger is that in the ensuing artificial competition it may not be possible to establish some markets at all , and traders would then be forced to use less efficient over-the-counter markets , which are conceivably harder to regulate and thus more prone to fraud .
24 The practical significance of this distinction is that in the first group of cases there is a greater likelihood of the necessary information being passed rapidly to the defendant , and that will in turn meet the objective of the Convention 's authors and also the standards set by ‘ due process ’ tests .
25 Goryushkin 's conclusion is that in the process of peasant immigration and colonization , not only did the incoming millions bring about innovations in agricultural methods , animal husbandry , cottage industry and the social customs of the Siberian peasantry , but they themselves were also deeply influenced by the traditional local practices of the old Siberians .
26 The old joke is that in the army they once had the message ‘ Send reinforcements we 're going to advance ’ but it became ‘ Send three and fourpence we 're going to a dance . ’
27 perhaps the truth is that in the field of economic policy , Keynes 's preference for a managed economy aligned him with the new Liberals : hence the handsome tribute he paid to J. A. Hobson , in spite of the fact that he regarded him as mistaken .
28 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
29 It is a ‘ right ’ to the extent that , at the trial , the prosecution may not comment at all on the accused 's failure to answer questions and the judge may refer to it , but not adversely : the point is that in no circumstances should silence be used against an accused person .
30 My point is that in a single-sex community tasks have to be shared .
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