Example sentences of "[noun] [is] that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One reason why there can be no simple answer to the question whether there has been irresolvable conflict between science and religion is that the answer may well depend on which of these types of explanation is favored .
2 What happens in the blast furnace is that the slag is lighter than the molten iron and it collects on top of the molten iron and by some means that I s
3 The proposed remedy is that the liability of those carrying the risk in the insurance market should not be unlimited and that capital should be recruited from corporations as well .
4 Current thinking is that the chromosome of E. coli meets all the microbe 's ordinary domestic needs , which rarely change , and that plasmid-borne information comes into play only when the microbe encounters a stress — a changed nutrient , an antibiotic or competitor .
5 The problem with making deep segmented turnings from flat stock is that the joints are at compound angles .
6 The key to yesterday 's deal is that a problem of this magnitude is now unlikely to happen again .
7 An essential part of such a major deal is that the album from an established artist is launched into the market place with a strong impact .
8 In this respect an important lesson from Allende 's experiment is that the decision to abolish private property inevitably results in the erosion of economic and political freedom also .
9 All that has changed over the centuries is that the monarch used to be the substantial head of the government and it is , indeed , still the case that , legally , much central government executive authority continues to reside in the monarch .
10 One attribute of thinking as opposed to perception is that the evidence is relatively less complete , gaps have to be filled either within or beyond the available data .
11 ‘ A common public perception is that the Aquino government is doing something that goes against the time-honoured Filipino tradition and cultural values , ’ said Alvin Capino , a newspaper columnist .
12 But the fallacious assumption underlying this reasoning is that the idea of identity of meaning makes sense only if the criteria of equisignificance can be clearly defined , whereas the simple fact is that any reference to the criteria of equisignificance already presupposes the notion of sameness of meaning .
13 Another problem with a textbook description of research methods is that the textbook gives the impression that this is what really goes on .
14 The only similarity between the words in these lists is that the pattern recognition system perceived them as being orthographically similar .
15 The key recommendation is that a workforce should be recruited and trained to bring five million energy-inefficient homes to current building standards at a cost of £2–3,000 each or a total of £40–45 billion .
16 On Brother machines the recommendation is that the edge needles should always be in the working position at the start of every row .
17 Mrs. Dyer told parish councillors : ‘ The recommendation is that the area is dredged and the lining is repaired .
18 The trouble with extreme emotion is that the horse behaves like us !
19 One other benefit of fitting the freewheel in the main gear is that the rotor is not encumbered by the rest of the drive train , including the various reduction gears and tail drive and is allowed to spin much more freely than would otherwise be the case .
20 The illusion is that the water is emerging from within the grotto .
21 The central idea of ethnomethodology is that the orderliness of social life is not the result of people obeying social norms or giving way to social pressures , but rather that orderliness is attained by all those involved working to achieve it .
22 A feature of such organizations is that the means are all-important and the ends are of relatively secondary importance .
23 News on the Rialto is that the marker price at which IBM Corp is doing deals is $45,000 per MIPS — and our New York associate Technology News of America hears German users are sitting tight and waiting for the price to hit $40,000 per MIPS .
24 Where the allegation is that the person to whom the remarks were addressed was likely to form a given belief , it means ‘ likely to form ’ and not ‘ did form . ’
25 The reality of AIDS is that the person can die at any time .
26 Perhaps the only disappointment is that the money is to be shared equally , when a winning bonus would give the event the edge it deserves .
27 Now , thanks in no small measure to his own contribution to the Hampshire cause , he has one ; and the only disappointment is that the climax of the match was watched by only about 8000 people , as the weather caused it to be carried over into the second day .
28 He says the ABRC 's major disappointment is that the level of current funding will ‘ widen the disparity with research budgets in other countries ’ .
29 The result is that every ledge , from those that would take a small tent to those that a modern rock climber would blanch to see , is packed with birds .
30 The result is that every sperm produced and every egg produced is unique in terms of the contents of their locations , although their addressing system is identical in all members of one species ( with minor exceptions that need not concern us ) .
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