Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [adv] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 Brutus had said that he killed Caesar for the general good but Antony is now saying that he did n't know why they killed him , otherwise he saying that it was n't for the general good .
2 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
3 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
4 Freud is not saying that the individual feels the emotion which may underlie religious beliefs and practices , and that this is why they are performed .
5 The stabilizing effect of DNA supercoiling on open complex formation is probably reflecting that the torsional stress is favouring the opening of the DNA strands driving the RNA polymerase-promoter complex into a configuration with an increased half-life .
6 Now , with the proposed acquisition of CGI , IBM is effectively saying that despite its vast army of surplus employees , it ca n't find 4,000 among with the skills , or the ability to acquire the skills to be found in an unexceptional middle-ranking software and computer services company — and the move is hardly a morale-booster for all the people within IBM that ply their trade in software and services .
7 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
8 Foucault is actually arguing that ‘ control ’ need not take place through the direct and constant surveillance of individuals by authorities .
9 The Guild is now advocating that further steps should be taken , namely , that women should be made eligible for seats on town councils .
10 Boxtree is now claiming that Mr Bean 's Diary has sold so well ( over 314,000 copies when I last spoke to them ) because it is being bought by , and given to , children and teenagers .
11 In S/Z Barthes is not suggesting that literary texts implicitly refer to some transcendent model : literary texts can only cross-refer to each other .
12 Peter , North Yorkshire , I hope Mr is not suggesting that it would be the intention of the County or the District pursuing the new settlement to er include within it er polluting industry .
13 The group is also demanding that a strip of virgin forest along the Burmese border be included in the designation .
14 While FoE is not arguing that children are exposed to radiation levels above legal limits , it is criticizing BNFL for not doing enough to fulfil its legal obligation to reduce the radioactivity of its discharges to the minimum .
15 The hon. Gentleman is not suggesting that a system of local government finance would be without a method of equalisation .
16 As for Egypt , I do not think that the hon. and learned Gentleman is seriously suggesting that it is about to launch an attack on Israel , or is to be feared in that connection .
17 The person is implicitly saying that he or she subscribes to the network of rules of the discipline in question .
18 The protein products encoded by many of these genes have been characterised — some in considerable detail — and the evidence is now compelling that their abnormal expression is related to the development of human cancer .
19 Evidence is now emerging that women have been detained in order to be raped and even impregnated , and that political and military leaders knew , but condoned it.One woman who can testify to the existence of rape camps and the suffering of women , is Francoise Hampson , senior lecturer at Essex University and an expert in the law of armed conflict .
20 In the Gospel , too , Jesus alludes to himself as Paraclete : for when promising ‘ another paraclete ’ or ‘ another as paraclete ’ in 14:16 ( it makes no difference which way you take the Greek ) Jesus is dearly insisting that he is their Paraclete already , just as the Epistle says he is .
21 Indeed , the huge TV screen set up for the occasion is now predicting that the Tories will be shy of an overall majority by a mere eight seats : John Major will surely be back at Number 10 .
22 Kawasaki Steel is now saying that it might have to do the same .
23 SCO is now saying that only some 7% of Open Desktop code touches the hardware in any case — all the high level stuff like communications , the desktop , graphics and utilities is common to Intel and MIPS .
24 It is important to see , here , that Wittgenstein is not denying that people do have toothache ( that it really aches ! ) , or even that people sometimes reflect on their feelings and describe them , as in ( h ) .
25 It is because the context of the child 's development is always changing that one can not predict later behaviour on the basis of earlier events .
26 Indeed by this time Mao is specifically advocating that the Party ought to take a more cautious and less radical approach to land reform so as to not antagonize the interests of the middle and rich peasants .
27 First of all erm Ryedale District is n't saying that the policy is warranted because North Yorkshire is in any unusual regardless of the quality of the countryside here , but that this is a reasonable reflection of national policy on development in the open countryside .
28 Moore is not denying that such elucidation is sometimes needed and possible , but bringing home to us that this is never what is going on when all things with a certain complex property are said to be good .
29 Campbell is not saying that Christ takes our sin upon himself but he identifies so closely with us that it is as if he makes our confession and is thus separated from the presence of God for us .
30 The play centres on the severe cultural disturbance generated by the fact that Clara , a girl , has been brought up as a boy and wants to remain one , while her brother , Lucio , has been brought up as a girl which he wants to remain , despite the fact that society is now demanding that both return to their normal gender ascriptions .
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