Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
2 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
3 Although this is not so good as the quick sponge or madeira cake for cutting and shaping , it is ideal for the simpler shaped fantasy cakes and its advantage over the quick sponge is that it is lighter .
4 Now the reason I used the word association is that it 's different from correlation which is what we 're gon na talk about shortly .
5 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
6 One explanation of the progressive advance of the temperature rhythm is that it is being driven by a body clock that is running too fast .
7 The reason Scottish Equitable is proposing this deal is because it is short of the necessary capital needed to carry on growing its business .
8 The reason vitamin D was regarded as a vitamin is because it is found in our food , and this is important for those who do not receive adequate exposure to sunlight — for example , the house-bound elderly .
9 But they 're different , the thing about the fully-fashioned is that it is shaped .
10 One of the reasons the New Spirituality has legs is because it is experiential .
11 The disadvantage of using a partnership is that it is an unincorporated business , although tax-neutral mechanisms exist to enable it to be incorporated at a later date ( see s162 Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ( " TCGA 1992 " ) and s343 TA 1988 ) .
12 The premier 's talk of working with councils rings rather hollow in Mr Cawley 's ears : ‘ My idea of a partnership is that it 's a two-way thing , with give and take .
13 The most evident fact to note about the Ring is that it is in conception strikingly anachronistic , totally modern .
14 What comes to the fore through Gandhi 's strictures on the attitudes and methods of certain Christian missionaries is that it is possible for religious zeal and enthusiasm to lead to activities inconsistent with the religious and ethical ideals or values one might be seeking to promote .
15 The good side is that it is easy to use , you can transfer money between accounts , you can record debit card transactions and many more .
16 You see , the point about a magnum is that it is metal psychology : it scares the shit out of the guy it is aimed at , it makes the guy who holds it feel really proud . ’
17 The major problem with legislation concerning animals is that it is from a human perspective .
18 So the id is a jumble of contradictions and the reason it 's a jumble of contradictions is that it 's not in contact with reality .
19 The result is that it is possible for an auditor to check network and data usage , secure from the scrutiny of the actual system operators .
20 The result is that it is very complex ; in addition , I must note that quite a few words are given stress patterns that I do not feel are acceptable in present-day English .
21 The essence of a club is that it is select and private ; you can not be followed in there .
22 One of the experiences of the programme is that it is important to involve social security officers early on , to tell them what 's going to happen , not to wait until people are in the community and then make the claim .
23 He said : ‘ The players know how important our League programme is and it is a matter of whether they have recovered mentally and physically to go into the game at Leicester in the right frame of mind .
24 The point Bourdieu makes versus structural anthropology is that it is not the marriage rule ( or genealogy ) that counts , but the economic and political strategies of the lineage .
25 The horrible irony is that it is in that very surrender that community itself is founded .
26 Yet the irony is that it is this quarrelling within the Church Of England which is largely responsible for that lack of interest .
27 A further feature of habituation is that it is supposed to show spontaneous recovery after a retention interval ; but although some studies of latent inhibition have revealed an equivalent effect ( e.g. Best and Gemberling 1977 ; McIntosh and Tarpy 1977 ; Westbrook , Provost , and Homewood 1982 ) , others have reported perfect retention of latent inhibition ( Siegel 1970 ; James 1971 ; Crowell and Anderson 1972 ) .
28 One explanation for this unbridled production of HBV proteins is that it is fostered by concurrent mediations , including glucocorticoids and cyclosporin .
29 The essential nature of a stem cell is that it is self-renewing and , as its name implies , the source of other cells .
30 The point of research is that it is a systematic human endeavour intended to produce a level of impersonal knowledge , standing outside individuals .
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