Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [verb] with other " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It shows how the estate action programme is combining with other initiatives to bring comprehensive improvements to run-down estates . ’
2 Christian Aid is joining with other EC agencies to lobby national governments , the European Parliament and the European Commission .
3 Teachers provide the greatest encouragement for children to communicate in writing when they respond more to the content of what is written than to such errors , and when they share a child 's writing with other children .
4 The second issue is to do with other existing roles and job specifications .
5 The secondary type is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erthematodes .
6 The Council is associated with other local authorities represented on the national and provincial councils dealing with local authorities ' services .
7 We tend to think that it is a modern problem , trying to set up the best lifestyle so that the need for personal commitment to the home is balanced with other social and career activities .
8 It is understood that the Tests can be done as worksheets by a group whilst the teacher is working with other children in the class .
9 Packaging , description and colour are critical because if an acid is mixed with other products , particularly common bleach or ammonium hydroxide based formulations , dangerous fumes are released .
10 Amber 's Murray Martin is working with other independents on a strategy to counter the problem : ‘ One of the basic assumptions we have to deal with is that films made in Britain can not either break into the major circuit or survive in the market place , ’ he says .
11 The sub-standard meat is mixed with other boneless meat in boxes and is distributed to institutions such as hospitals and schools .
12 A further relaxation of its previously rigid stand is suggested by Computer Reseller News , which hears that Apple is negotiating with other third parties — including Radius Inc and DayStar Digital Inc — to develop PowerPC versions of the Macintosh for specific niche markets .
13 Christine is pictured with other European colleagues participating in a study visit to Denmark organised by CEDEFOP , European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training .
14 Phillips Auctioneers in Oxford is working with other branches throughout Britain to raise up to a million pounds for local charities in the ITV Telethon '92 .
15 In many cases trichomonal infection is associated with other diseases , and while few would advocate the routine screening for other infection of all women found to be suffering from candidal infection , the finding of Trichomonas vaginalis is an absolute indication for further investigation to exclude other sexually transmitted disease .
16 O. carnea is compared with other bathyal species of Ophiura in Table 3 .
17 One way for a publisher to finance the publication of an art book is to act with other publishers who will share costs ; an alternative is to find a subsidy .
18 Parents and villagers who have campaigned to keep it open have been told their only hope is to merge with other schools .
19 In many palms , there is also a rise in temperature at the beginning of anthesis , associated with beetle pollination : in Astrocaryum mexicanum at Los Tuxtlas , there is a wide range of pollinating species , besides many other herbivorous visitors and this suite is shared with other palms in the same and different genera represented there .
20 This spring the University is collaborating with other groups and institutions in the city and county to organise a Festival of Europe .
21 This comparison holds true even when inner London is compared with other English inner cities .
22 It has a small kitchen and an outside lavatory , and the bathroom is shared with other people in the house .
23 They assume that the parts of society form an integrated whole and thus examine the ways in which the social stratification system is integrated with other parts of society .
24 ‘ Gerontion ’ presents a little old man , whose speech is riddled with other men 's words , waiting ‘ in a dry season , for rain .
25 Central nervous system regulation of hepatic function may provide a mechanism by which bile production is integrated with other metabolic activities particularly , digestive functions .
26 Now that you 've learnt to sail on your own , the next step is to sail with other people .
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