Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [adv] important that " in BNC.

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1 Protein is so important that nearly all diets , no matter what other failings they may have , emphasize adequate protein intake .
2 This question is so important that it must be dealt with in a section of its own .
3 Unfortunately senior executives often either consider that no-one less senior than themselves can be trusted with knowledge of a meeting , or that the meeting is so important that they alone are significant enough to occupy the chair .
4 This area of business is so important that the nuclear nations should throw overboard all thought of evenhandedness .
5 We believe that this common factor is so important that during the past year or so we have experimented in ways of bringing the participants together to discuss their ideas and to foster the creation of a spirit of community .
6 This method of knitting whilst shaping is so important that you might like to keep suitable time entirely clear to master the basics without interruption .
7 Far from being a luxury or a peripheral activity , music often meets basic needs : ‘ There exist a good many people for whom music is so important that it is difficult for them to conceive of life without it .
8 Often , of course , the story is so important that they have to cover it , but it goes against the grain to be sweeping up behind another paper 's scoops .
9 The influence of these latter , " exogenous " factors is so important that , for this reason , the level of infant mortality is often used as an index of development .
10 The informal organisation of a company is so important that a newcomer has to ‘ learn the ropes ’ before he can settle effectively into his job , and he must also become ‘ accepted ’ by his fellow workers .
11 It will be the Master of the Rolls who decides whether an appeal is so important that it should be referred to a court composed of more than three judges , even though decisions of such courts formally have no greater weight than those of three judge courts .
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