Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [adv] more [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In June 1964 , The Autocar 's testers remarked , ‘ In its appointments the Austin-Healey 3000 MkIII is now more or a touring car than a sports car .
2 Nothing today remains of Fonthill Abbey , though Strawberry Hill is still more or less intact .
3 This crucial element in Morgan 's evidence is an illusion and there is not the slightest shred of evidence that those societies where large numbers of people can be referred to by the terms for parent are societies where marriage is either more or less individualistic .
4 The difficulties in these regions are extreme ; the growing period in relatively arid zones is often more than twice that in more northerly regions and there is a real fire risk .
5 The number of cases of developed Aids is now more than 2,649 .
6 The Wall Street Journal is now more or less convinced that Louis Gerstner , chairman and chief executive of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp and brother of former IBM Corp top staffer Richard Gerstner , will be named as IBM 's next chief executive : under Gerstner 's reign , RJR has slashed its $29,000m debt by more than 50% , partly by selling off corporate assets — ‘ He is a guy who likes to break things up , ’ commented Curt Rohrman , a First Boston analyst who follows IBM .
7 Then again , Nicodemus would have learned and discovered that the Lord Jesus is infinitely more than a great teacher .
8 In the lungs , the result of all this branching is that the surface area inside each lung is rather more than 70 square yards .
9 Average survival after treatment of PCP is often more than 2 years and is increasing .
10 Development is far more than new building .
11 If we include all the deep groundwater that we can rarely use , as well as the water trapped in pores in sediments such as clays , the total volume of groundwater is probably more than 50 million cubic kilometres .
12 And gentility is a belief that life is always more or less orderly , people always more or less polite , their emotions and habits more or less decent and more or less controllable ; that God , in short , is more or less good ,
13 Erm you may , you may start to believe from what I 've been saying that federalism is a kind of sham , you know that it 's a that really states have lost significance viz a viz the federal government , federal government is now more or less a , a unitary state and runs everything , well that 's not true at all .
14 But in medical science , the trend is now more and more away from modern methods , and towards the so-called New Age treatments .
15 The living topsoil is seldom more than six inches deep ; if one digs or ploughs deeper , one inevitably puts subsoil on the surface and buries the active flora and fauna below the level where they can thrive and do most good .
16 However , police statistics suggest that the total number of such cases is barely more than 100 nationally .
17 Nevertheless liberalism succeeded in destroying the fueros and it was only after its triumph that conservative liberals challenged the maxim that ‘ centralization is neither more nor less than liberty itself ’ .
18 Luminescence is rarely more than 1% efficient and thus of comparatively low intensity .
19 This signalling system is apparently more or less the same in Brazilian Portuguese .
20 A donatio mortis causa of land is neither more nor less anomalous than any other .
21 The deep channel is rarely more than 10 ft wide in a 90 ft flow ; this , combined with the speed of the flow and the length , make all racks grade I/II .
22 Is the Minister aware that one third of the country 's bus fleet is now more than 12 years old , which is double the proportion before deregulation ?
23 Erm and then just generally language is far more than just a means of communication .
24 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
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