Example sentences of "[noun] [vb infin] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alistair MacDonald , the director , has seen the play germinate over the last 18 months from roots in the Gaelic Youth Theatre summer school in 1991 and an experimental workshop production at the Mod Fringe in Dingwall the same year .
2 To be able to compare results from the simulator with those previously obtained on the road it was decided to have subjects perform precisely the same judgment tasks that had been used in Study 1 , giving ratings of subjective risk and estimates of accident statistics .
3 You can feel the G-force by just watching the cars roar up the famous Prescott Hill .
4 Christianson and Loftus ( 1987 ) had subjects write down the central detail from each slide and Christianson and Loftus ( 1991 ) had them evaluate the affective quality of each slide , both these studies showed results which appeared to be consistent with Easterbrook 's hypothesis .
5 He let his mind wander down the twenty yards of landing and the three stairs to the back bedroom where his sixteen-year-old daughter lay .
6 The problem then arises : does the question cover also the general rule against suing for damages for breach of an illegal contract ?
7 Do n't forget to let your old auntie know how the other things are progressing , but I 'm sure everything will work out just fine . ’
8 The imagery and language help conjure up the bleak picture of death in the two poems .
9 Firstly , to make a motif come out the same way round as depicted on your graph , turn the graph upside down .
10 I do n't remember the carpet coming up to hit me , nor finding it hard to breathe , nor at that moment did the judge put on the black cap and say that I must swing by the neck until I was dead .
11 Why did she feel no embarrassment or fear at letting her fingers trace down the hair-roughened muscles of his chest to skim the flat planes of his stomach and then move on ?
12 In Moscow yesterday Mr Yeltsin — whose mother died at the weekend — stayed out of public view for the second day , letting his aides keep up the political pressure .
13 Can my right hon. Friend explain why the hon. Gentleman 's party suggests that we should increase the differences between those of us who live north and south of the border in the United Kingdom ?
14 ‘ Feel worse , ’ I said glumly , watching the water cascade down the concrete stair-case of the spillway .
15 Those of you who still do not know the difference , I hope will one day find out the good news , and meet the girl of their dreams .
16 Every shift , they face people who have lost lovers , lost jobs or lost families through AIDS or ( more often ) the fear of AIDS ; every shift they have to help people think through the new consequences of future sex or face the possible results of past ignorance .
17 Should the ENP carry out the nursing care/treatment of all her patients , or should she delegate some of this work ( such as dressings or plastering ) to other nurses ?
18 Events in the race itself summon up less pious images , for this running of the world 's greatest Classic saw a brawling match up the straight and a sensational disqualification which to many smelled of more than one personal vendetta .
19 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
20 Under the Tudors the age-old practice of making a will spread down the social scale ; far more wills were made than in earlier times , even though the custom was still restricted to a minority of the population .
21 Labour spokesmen made generous use of statistics to castigate the government for refusing to spend more money on science , and for letting Britain slip down the international league table on R&D spending .
22 The cheaper type engines as fitted to RR such as Perkins 4203 and 4236 , Ford York , etc are not suitable with automatic gearboxes If you need an auto box then the only options are the bigger high reving ( and expensive ) engines such as the VM 3 6 six cyl or the Nissan 3 5 four cyl
23 But how does the government find out the individual demand curves that must be vertically added to get DD ?
24 This nearly spherically symmetrical mass distribution helps explain why the synchronous rotation of Mercury is only partial ( compare section 4.2 ) .
25 Then I went below and got a handkerchief and helped Hands tie up the great bleeding wound in his leg .
26 But did n't Andrew feel just the slightest twinge of regret ?
27 Does the amount balance out the live music ?
28 Yet the 27-year-old artist and Middlesbrough fan is determined not to let football issues slip off the political agenda .
29 Frustrated by the confines of the stage , Flav and Chuck quickly mount the monitors , as Public Enemy turn the temperature up even further with a blistering version of ‘ Do n't Believe The Type ’ and an explosive ‘ Fight The Power ’ that sees Chuck spit out the admirable line , ‘ most of my heroes do n't appear on no stamps ’ with a real conviction .
30 Frustrated by the confines of the stage , Flav and Chuck quickly mount the monitors , as Public Enemy turn the temperature up even further with a blistering version of ‘ Do n't Believe The Type ’ and an explosive ‘ Fight The Power ’ that sees Chuck spit out the admirable line , ‘ most of my heroes do n't appear on no stamps ’ with a real conviction .
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