Example sentences of "[noun] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had not seen Anna since then , but he said , ‘ Why does n't Nahum do something about making things easier for Anna ? ’
2 A partnership between Save The Children , social and youth services it helps youngsters help themselves by turning moans into action .
3 The State Department is pleased the Turkish government is not letting the legal costs deter it from pursuing its claim to the Lydian hoard .
4 May Jupiter forgive me for saying this Buddy - but I do think his head would go nice on your mantelpiece .
5 Nor can an economist take it for granted that inflation will make people save more ( in the US they save less ) .
6 He blamed himself for letting Jess persuade him into running off .
7 Do n't let a shop assistant talk you into buying a so-called ‘ orthopaedic ’ bed — there is no such thing .
8 But Derek says he wo n't let his attackers intimidate him into moving away from the area .
9 To be sure , the vocabulary for defining such rhythmical effects is yet to seek ; but should not critics apply themselves to seeking and finding that vocabulary , instead of pursuing semantic and allusive niceties ?
10 Let that sunshine fool you into taking off your coat , and you 'll be in bed with pneumonia before you know it . ’
11 It seems some parents let their children amuse themselves by chasing foals and small ponies , or throwing sticks and stones at them , or tormenting them in other ways .
12 ‘ How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
13 She must have been mad , totally and ridiculously mad , she thought , to have let her sister talk her into making this trip , alone .
14 Would Dorothy hate her for having deceived her all these years ?
15 Will the Minister join me in welcoming the proposals put forward by the provisional liquidator and the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi as a first step towards a settlement of the problem ?
16 Will the Minister join me in welcoming the ceasefire which is under way in El Salvador and the prospects that it brings for a long-lasting peace ?
17 As my wife , my family and I have had a taste of the suffering that Beck can impose on innocent people , will the Minister join me in sending to the real sufferers , the individuals who endured Beck 's homes and whose lives have been wrecked at his hands , the profound sympathy of us all ?
18 I welcome the capital investment , but will the Minister join me in condemning those oil companies which use the Economic League to blacklist workers and potential workers ?
19 ‘ He 's always laughing and does n't let his disability stop him from having fun .
20 The fact that cats are solitary hunters and would certainly not wish to let other felines join them in stalking a particular prey , makes this clicking noise something of a mystery .
21 and she said er , and I said , I said Dave said you were a bloody fool to go up there , you let mother talk you into going , Terry had a job here , he , alright you had your house , you had your ups and downs , it was a bit small , you persevere with it , I said your kids are nearly going to school all of them , so I said , you do n't need a big house
22 So do n't let bad weather discourage you from claiming a targeted peak .
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