Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] in [coord] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Old Darlington was quite some place to live in and I reckon daily life must have been some sort of gamble , ’ said Joan .
2 Got a bloody assignment to give in and I forgot I lost the bloody address !
3 Oh fucking hell , I was gon na try and remember some of the questions to bring in but I did n't .
4 You say look I 'm student , right , I lost the th address of the er whom to send to and I 've got an assessment to send in but I do n't know how the hell I 'm gon na send it on .
5 Three pound fifteen shillings yeah and that 's how , that 's how the work went at that time but as I say these boatmen erm they used t they used to sit down on lock gates day in and day out and did n't have a ship to come in but I 've kno kno known them to row down the river at high tide or it 's before high tide and there 'd be another erm , there 'd be other boatmen there , one was called , he went down , he used to go down and get 'em going , there used to be a race between these two families or the and the first one got the boat , the first one roped it in you see , or wh what we call roping in , moor mooring the ship up , that was
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