Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] it [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 i have a line and think why wait till tomorrow , we are wrapped in the present , like a seamless and infinite cloak ; past and future are convenient illusions. time passes into eternity , so i ring ( eternal symbol ) mr and mrs monster to fix it up but no answer .
2 The chest may be painful and they hold it when coughing and lie on the painful side to keep it still and put pressure on it .
3 Alternatively it might use the wind rather than fighting it : it would allow the wind to lift it up and then come down , flapping its wings and ‘ closing down ’ until it was able to drop .
4 This stopcock may need a special key to turn it on and off .
5 Er it were in paper about this er this woman she 'd gone to the hospital and she must have been there longer than she thought , and so she 'd got her car clamped and it was thirty pound to have it off but
6 If a gully is overflowing , try to unblock the grid using a length of stick to clean it out and rinse the gully clean
7 Took him hours to clean it up and , since then , the pitch and tone have been all askew .
8 We are suggesting here that normalisation , over and above these many attempts to define it coherently and carefully , is open to different interpretations in practice .
9 As the older generations who had kept up the tradition passed away , there were not so many young people in the village to carry it on and they had left to find employment and housing in the towns .
10 Cut-out invitations If your party has a theme , design a card to represent it and get your child to colour it in and cut it out .
11 ‘ I 'll need some help to wrap it up and get it down to the car .
12 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
13 ‘ It 's not an easy thing to do , making assumptions to estimate costs and then keeping people informed of any changes as they arise , but it 's not easy for others such as building contractors to do it either and they do . ’
14 He gave me a pretty cane basket to put it in and I went upstairs , opened the trunk and loaded all the balls I could get into the basket .
15 He 's organising a campaign to get it back and five hundred villagers have signed a petition .
16 The top rail is joined to the uprights by dovetail housings and to cut the mortises for the laths I found that it was best to hold the rail in the vice with blocks to pack it out and then to cut down vertically .
17 I think you can ask the council to take it away or something or take it to the dump
18 Electrical work should , in general , be left to someone who has the knowledge and confidence to carry it out and who can follow the Wiring Regulations .
19 Erm , if there 's something needs doing extra you just ask the person who 's best for the job to sort it out and to do it for you .
20 When we are very young we see a fluffy kitten as something especially soft and cuddly and we have a strong desire to pick it up and hold it tight .
21 ‘ You poor thing ! ’ exclaimed Deborah , and put her arm about the lamb 's body to keep it still and protect it from further damage .
22 In R v Mehmed [ 1963 ] Crim LR 780 where the accused had an air pistol which he produced in another 's private house , it would be reasonable to assume that he must have carried it in a public place to get it there or to take it away .
23 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
24 It was a painful decision to leave it behind but they thought it would be safest in one of the tin trunks in the box-room at The Tamarisks .
25 Louise took a couple of inches off Clare 's hair to tidy it up and get rid of the split ends .
26 but they 're not in control of their body , so you must watch them , talk to them and if , if you can walk along the road with them , talking to them now the , there is the other type where you get the aura , they know they 're going to have a fit , so if somebody at your work place comes along and says to you I 'm gon na have a fit in five minutes , I mean do n't laugh at them and think ha ha , take them to a room where they 're safe and this applies to all epileptic fits , they 've got to be safe , so you 're going to clear a room of any danger , they 're laying down on the floor theirself because they 've got time they know they 're going to have this fit , if they 've got something to put in their mouth alright they will put it in their mouths themselves and once again they 've got five minutes to do it in and then that person will go through their fit , you stay with them , you comply by their wishes , if they say to you right , well just leave me when I come round I , do n't touch me I 'll be alright , they know , so you , you comply by their wish wishes , erm but only go in when you feel it is necessary , if they say right , erm I , I should regain consciousness in ten minutes and they have n't , you 're there , you stay there in case make sure they 're safe , there 's nothing there that can hurt them , then they 'll probably get up at the end of the fit and erm go into a room for a rest and say thank you very much and er , erm that 's it .
27 Ask a friend to read it slowly and quietly , leaving about ten seconds between each sentence .
28 Most shopkeepers joined the co-operative movement , and big traders , wholesalers perhaps with their own trucks , diversified their businesses , or withdrew money from their businesses to send it abroad or to build houses for themselves and their families .
29 And then you you used to have a blow lamp to heat it up and after that you you erm put it on half compression and you were turning one of the big flywheels round until it it started and you had to keep the blowlamp on it .
30 We get chance after chance to make it right and what do we do ?
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