Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] when they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled , subdued and shaken , on to the bank .
2 He calls on his persecuted readers to rejoice when they suffer as Christians and so share Christ 's sufferings , for ‘ the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you ’ ( 1 Pet .
3 She would collect their plates to steep when they had finished .
4 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
5 Those gastric acids have a much tougher job to do when they have to fight their way through fibrous cell-wall material .
6 Causes , even heaven to rejoice when they see those who are lost acknowledging their lostness , and responding and being found .
7 There only 3 places off the bottom and the drop into the non-league world and there was just one minute to go when they saved themselves in this match .
8 Only then will they win the middle ground , and only then will they give their policies a chance to persist when they have moved out of office .
9 But Finnan was true to his word , and there was beer that night to drink when they had beached and set the horses to graze ashore , and lit their fires on the bank .
10 The sales person who puts pressure on customers to buy when they do n't want to will be out of business tomorrow .
11 This means that all users must know which charge codes to use when they start to create new modules so that their modules can be stored against the correct charge code for their project .
12 They spent their breaks on the window detail peering in through the glass , endlessly scheming dreary things to do when they got back inside .
13 In any event many contracts for the provision of the service come up for regular renewal , giving you the chance to tender when they do .
14 Three out of four directors say social workers lack the necessary powers to act when they suspect old people are being abused by carers , relatives or neighbours .
15 The aim is to have about three suits per series — I certainly do n't want to come prancing on every week in something different , but neither do I want people to groan when they see me in the same old suit .
16 Well , that 's why people to do when they want to take that photograph of our dog that time , when that women
17 ‘ Loads of women still expect a man to pay when they go out for dinner .
18 In the early stages of migration , the peasants come from the richer and more developed rural areas and so frequently have more skills to offer when they reach the town , than those in the less developed areas .
19 Liverpool continued to power forward , but in doing so left too much room at the back — a foolish thing to do when they know just how Beardsley can exploit space .
20 She planned to say nothing about her ram-raid revenge — but contacted police to confess when they appealed for witnesses .
21 ‘ Neither team had a lot to offer when they reached the 18-yard line and I ca n't really see the replay being much different . ’
22 And a lot of talking points for Jimmy Greaves and Tony back in the studio at half time to discuss when they rejoin us after the break with the score here at Filbert Street Leicester City one Nottingham Forest nil .
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