Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [coord] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Gide was , at least at that time , the sexual tourist of which Said and others have written , his opportunity to come and go enhanced by what is aptly if euphemistically called independent means .
2 13.1 does not warrant that the Licensed Software will be error-free but if any copy of the Licensed Software is demonstrated to within 90 ( ninety ) days from the date of delivery to the end user to contain or have contained an error or malfunction , shall use all reasonable endeavours to correct such error or malfunction , or , as its option , to replace such copy of the Licensed Software free of charge , provided that :
3 It did , however , allow young tom-cats to mount and attempt to mate with it .
4 Under the plan , L&H 's 629 former partners are being asked to pay back over $40m over the next 10 years , with some partners ' personal assessments totalling as much as $400,000. 475 partners are thought to have approved the plan , but the remainder have either expressed their intention to appeal or have declared themselves personally bankrupt .
5 Numbers increased slightly in March ( to around 14,500 ) , but Kleiner was concerned that job shortages had caused up to 1,000,000 Soviet Jews to cancel or postpone emigrating to Israel .
6 The two ministers also agreed to take steps to try and prevent fighting between rival Tamil militias .
7 And it takes nerve to walk and sit to order in the glare of the lights with all those people watching .
8 In order to learn the conventional ways in which subject matter is organised and presented in these different forms , it is necessary for children to have plenty of opportunities to read or hear read good examples of a range of different types of texts .
9 This was the first separate treaty to be negotiated and signed by the government of Vietnam and de Lattre 's refusal was described as a slap in the face in the report which had caused de Lattre to explode and to consider expelling the American reporter .
10 Briefly , the aim was to encourage particular schools to develop and implement learning resources plans , and to bring library provision and use more closely into touch with curriculum planning and innovation within the schools .
11 And finally , Oxfordshire waterskier Shelley Nutt 's sparkling talent to twist and turn has earned her one of the sport 's top honours .
12 It is the responsibility of centres offering HCIMA programmes of study to develop and have printed , for distribution to students , Programme Regulations relating to the operation and administration of such sections of the programmes as they have authority to offer .
13 For the professions to be sensitive to change , and to meet the needs of patients and clients there must be a constant readiness to develop and adjust to accommodate new challenges .
14 Alternative routes and on-the-job opportunities to learn and get promoted
15 The rush to get the new company up and running results from the excellent opportunities to expand and export resulting from the pound 's devaluation and the drop in interest rates , according to the new chairman , Roger Harnett , a company doctor formerly with Benlox Holdings , Speedwell Gear Case and Hobson .
16 Give the visitors opportunity to talk and do listen carefully to what they have to say .
17 In 1961 , while working as anaesthetics research registrar at the Westminster Hospital , Manley designed a machine to monitor or assist breathing during anaesthesia and other forms of unconsciousness .
18 In Sudbrook the lessors had refused to appoint their valuer to discuss and seek to agree the value of the reversions with a valuer appointed by the lessees ; under the lease the valuers appointed were to refer the matter to an umpire .
19 Once his parents were able to reassure him that his mummy had been very ill for a while but now she was better but had to take medicine he became a much easier boy to handle and stopped urinating on the carpet .
20 If the doctors consider that the patient had the capacity to decide and has exercised his right to do so , they still have to consider what was the true scope and basis of that decision .
21 And his sister ( she caught him ; Rubberneck had returned — for where else could he go ? ) had starved him — not , locked up in the room , a bite to eat nor drop to drink — in , she saw , a righteous punishment .
22 We had a bite to eat and got talking . ’
23 Things had got even worse on the voluntary side , for without subscriptions to collect or canvassing to do , the whole basis of the voluntary party had gone .
24 To ensure the rights laid down in or following from this treaty , they shall especially guarantee freedom of contract , freedom to exercise a trade , freedom of establishment and occupation , and freedom of movement of Germans in the entire currency area , freedom to form associations to safeguard and enhance working and economic conditions and … ownership of land and means of production by private investors …
25 It had taken us an hour to walk but had taken the men who drove it thirteen years of drilling and blasting through 748 fathoms of solid rock to build it .
26 The winners — Charles Outred , Vi Mitchell , Ian Howie and Mike McGinley , of Glasgow — had an unassailable lead with one match to go and relaxed to record their only loss in the last round .
27 we 've already written , we 've already written last week to the Scottish office , we 've written to our member of parliament and we 've asked him to see if we can get a delay on the date because we 've taken three years to try and get planning consent .
28 Er , perhaps the whole project could also be attributed , mainly I think , to Freud 's desire to try and keep open the er , the er , analytic publishing house , which he founded in and which er , basically was kept together financially from the er , forwarded , forwarded er , royalties which Bullett sent from America .
29 And buy in food , if he has to , and if anyone has a surplus to sell and wants to sell it to him .
30 as a place to visit or plan to visit
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